Monday, December 28, 2009

You make my day every time, telephone...

My day.

I set the alarm for 8:00 and when it went off, I turned it off, rolled over, and went back to sleep.

About 10:30, I got up. I piddled around on the computer for a bit, then showered and called mom. I needed to go out and get somethings, and wanted to know if she wanted to accompany me, which she did. So I picked her up and we went to Wal-Mart (don't judge). We stopped by Lowe's to pick up something, and then off ot Hagerstown. We went to Sam's to get a few things, and then ate at El Ranchero. I think my tongue is still burning from the salsa, love it! We went to a grocery store to get a few things, and then off to a fabrics store for her. And then home.

Oh, I forgot, I finally remembered today to take Angel's Christmas gift over to her. I got her a blue and white, what I call a Dallas Cowboy, stuffed football toy with a sweakie inside. I showed it to her and she dropped the toy she was carrying. I threw it and she got and then shook it violently from side to side three different times. I told mom when she got home, Angel probably will have torn it apart already. After she got home, mom called me to say Angel had been carrying the football with her whereever she goes. She took it to mom once, but when mom tried to get it to throw it, Angel yanked it away and jumped up the couch with it. She laid her head on it. Mom got a picture cause it was so cute. And Angel still won't let mom come near it.

Anyway, after this, I knew Johnnie was coming down. He had called me last week to say he was back home from Philly for the holidays, and today was when he was coming down. So I gave him directions and then I cleaned the toilet and sink (it was time) and tidied up the living room some. Johnnie got here without problem. We hugged at the door, and then I gave him a grand tour of Casa De Polt. Then we sat in the living room and talked. We had a long debate over politics, as per usual. And we talked about football some. Then he was hungry so we walked up to Waynesburger and ate there, having a great meal, of course. Upon returning home, he mentioned playing "Road To The White House" by absolute favorite game. He's pretty good at it too. Ten years ago or so, he'd come to my apartment three times a month or so, and we'd play the game every time, sometimes more than once a night. Well this time, I, as the governor of Texas, beat him, as a Congressman from Massachusetts, which if you don't play the game, means nothing to you. After that, we returned to the living room and talked some more and watched ESPN pre-football game show. And then he decided to leave right before the game started. I'm glad he stopped by. I miss Johnnie. With him in grad school in Philly, I only get to see him like once a year now. But I'm very glad we still keep in touch. He's a great kid. (kid...hell, he's 27, not much of a kid anymore. But he'll always be My Little Johnnie, and I'll always be Uncle Polt).

And then following that, I'm just sitting here, farting around online and watching the football game. And I gotta go back to work tomorrow, even if it is a short, light week. So I probably won't be up late. Still, all in all, a really really fun day!

POLT Listening to the Vikings-Bears football game

We're your worst nightmare, you know. Vengeful mutants on drugs. - Kid Omega, New X-Men #136

1 comment:

Tam said...

We are soooo going to Waynesburger when I come see you as I have heard so much about this place. Glad you had a nice time with an old friend.