Thursday, December 24, 2009

Undress me, will I look like a fool (Part 193)...

Once more it's time for...

Well, again Os gave us a theme: We're to pick three HNT's we don't know very well and give them each a Christmas gift, anything we think is appropriate for them. I'm having trouble with this one this year. Honestly, since the move into the new house and the hecticness that's ensued, I've not really been following other's HNT's very much. I put mine up each week, but I rarely check other people's much anymore. I intend on correcting that starting in the new year, but that's in the future. But I'll do what I can.

From underneath my first Santa hat....

For the great and wonderful Os himself, I pull out prefect health. I would make your diabetes and all the related issues just vanish away. *POOF* Oh, if only it were that easy, being a diabetic myself, I know it's not, but this is a Christmas Wish, not reality, so I give you that anyway.

From underneath my second Santa hat....

All the other HNTers, I pull out an endless amount of creative, fun and intertesting ideas for HNT. I know what it's like to see it's 10:00 Wednesday night and have absolutely no idea what to do for HNT. I imagine most of us have had that happen at one time or another. This wish would prevent that from happen, cause we'd all be overflowing with wonderful HNT ideas.

And from underneath my third Santa hat....

Well, this one's selfish, it's for me. I just want the Dallas Cowboys to win a playoff game this year. I'm not asking for a Super Bowl ring, I'm just asking for a freakin' win in the playoffs. They can lose the next week, that's fine, but just one single stinking win. I mean it's been 13 years, I'm ready.

Okay, well to see what other HNTers wishes were, click And everyone have a happy, safe and fun Christmas!

POLT Listening to "Uprising" by Muse

Surely this is the most absurd meeting I've ever been in, and friends, THAT is saying something. - President Bartlet, The West Wing


tornwordo said...

Hope you have a great holiday! Hugs.

Ashly Star said...

Your first 2 wishes are great but I am SO SO SO for your 3rd wish! I want a playoff win for The Boys too. A Superbowl appearance would be nice and all but I'd be happy if we got a playoff win too. Excellent wishes Polt! Heh, I almost made one of my wishes for the Dallas Stars, lol. =x

Happy Holidays!

Osbasso said...

Thank you, my man! Seems to be working a bit--latest blood labs have been excellent, blood sugar is consistently good, and I'm losing weight! Feeling pretty good, actually! Now if I can just do it without the pills and insulin...

Cowboys haven't won a playoff game in 13 years? That just seems wrong!

Merry Christmas, Polt! Love your hats, btw!

that's J-O-S-H said...

Cowboys? Like "Brokeback Mountain?!" Good movie!