Thursday, December 10, 2009

Undress me, will I look like a fool (Part 191)...

Once more, its time for...

Now I know, as per every year, Os has given us theme's for the next three weeks. And I also know that next week is the Christmas Tree HNT. However, this year I found an adorable little purple colored LCD tree that I so wanted to include in an HNT, and I thought, why not do that right now? I just had to think of a way to make it an HNT. And after a moment much thought, I got a brainstorm. And this is the result:

I am mildly upset, though, that such a miniature tree was enough to cover.....everything it covered.

So see what other's put up this week, click

POLT Listening to "Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer" by Gene Autry

If I were ever to get abducted by aliens I hope it will be these hunky, tattooed, leather-clad, half-naked alien dudes with a bondage fetish. - Ray, Super Underwear Perverts

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