Tuesday, December 22, 2009

An utterance, information, don't mince words (Part 166)...

TMI Tuesdays

These come each week from http://tmituesday.blogspot.com/

1. What do present do you hope ends up under you tree? I'm not sure but whatever it is, I hope it's something I put there cause otherwise, somebody done broke into my house!
2. What is the "naughtiest" thing you have ever done under a Christmas tree? Nothing really. I'm kinda big to fit under a tree, and the needles that fall off it are all prickly and such.
3. Do you prefer to give or receive? For Christmas gifts, I prefer to recieve, for other things depending on what exactly we're talking about, one or the other...or both.
4. What is your favorite part off a sexual partner's body? I don't really want to take any part OFF a partner's body, but generally my favorite part OF a partner's body is their hair, if it's long. Otherwise, cut abs are quite nice. And muscular thighs, those are very very nice. Oh, and soft lips, and they gotta know how to use them too. And a bubble butt is pretty attractive as well.
5. What is your favorite part your body - the one you hope a sexual partner will find or pay the most attention to? I don't know that I have a favorite part of my body, but I do so like when a partner kisses me and pays attentions to my lips. Quite a turnon. And nippleplay is NEVER looked down upon.
Bonus (as in optional): [Idea blatently stolen from Os and hist HNT wishes.] What Christmas wishes would you grant and to whom? I'm having trouble coming up with something for HNT this week, so here I'm just gonna say check in then and let's see what I can come up with.

POLT Listening to "Uprising" by Muse

A skinny man dancing is like throwing a skeleton down a staircase: creepy and kinda dangerous.

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