Saturday, February 14, 2015

Someone book me a room (Part 44)...

Chapter 2, Page 13...

So today I still didn't feel right but I still got up for work, cause I figured I would be the only one there again...and I was.  At Rutters before work, though, I got the regular coffee instead of the "Highly Caffeinated" cause it tasted much better.

At work, it was busy pretty much all day.  Not crazy, not hectic, just steady busy.  In the afternoon, I got a message from Derick, asking if I wanted to come over and play.   Mom had already asked me to come to her place when I got off work, so I initially said no.  But then I thought, I could probably play with Derick first, as long as it was quick.  And I told him so, and he said that was fine.

So right after work, I went to Derick's for some quick bedtimesexxyfun.  And then I went to mom's.  She had been to the Olympia Candy Kitchen to get grandma some chocolate covered peanut clusters for Valentine's Day, since grandma has always loved them.  And while she was there, she saw some chocolate covered strawberries.  And since both she, and I, love strawberries, she got some.  But since they were $22 a pound, she only got 6 total, three for me and three for her.  And they are deLICious!

I talked to her a bit and then came home, stopping at Rutters for more of those amazing wings they have.  After eating those, I settled in to watch more Enterprise. It wasn't too much longer after that, that I got a text from my fuckbuddy Akeem.  And when he asked, I told him he could definitely stop by.  And a lil bit later, he was here, for a little over two hours of bedtimesexxyfun.  When he left, I watched one more episode of Enterprise and then went to bed.


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