Saturday, February 21, 2015

Someone book me a room (Part 51)...

Chapter 2, Page 20...

Even though I again wasn't really feeling work today, and even though I had a HELL of a time getting up out of bed, I made it to work on time and accomplished quite a bit.  Everything I set out to do, actually.

After work, I stopped by Freddie's Subs for, obviously, a sub.  Came home, putzed around online for a bit, and then ate the sub.  Then I got back online.  I turned on the TV, and going through the regular channels, I was amazed at how much CRAP there is on TV.  Nothing worth watching, and I've got channels from 02 up to 181.  I ended up taking a very short, like twenty minute, nap on the couch.

All day, the weather channels had been predicting that Saturday, we'd be getting like 5-8 inches of snow, and it would start in the mid-morning. So I though I should probably try to get up real early that morning and get to work early, so I could get home early and hopefully avoid the worst of the weather.

And so, about 8;15 or so, I went up to bed.  I read a bit, and I thought I should turn out the light and try to sleep. Although since I took the nap earlier, I was afraid I might not be sleepy at all.  Pffft, nope.  I don't know what time I actually feel asleep, but I KNOW it was before 9:00pm.  On a Friday night. *I* a party animal or what?


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