Wednesday, May 02, 2007

All the doctor visits and physicians movin me...

So, went to the doctor today. Well, not so much the doctor, cause he was out, but saw the nurse practioner. Never met the man before, although he seemed like a nice guy. Asked me some questions, took blood pressure, felt my glands and neck, listened to my breathing. He said normally he'd just tell someone to tough it out, but since I had had the thing for a week and a half now, he thought that was enough time. Gave me a scrip for an anti-biotic, and a cough syrup with GOOD stuff in it. Told me to drink lots of fluids, take Advil regularly, and rest. He said I should probably take tomorrow off work, if I could, to conitune to rest. Did I argue? Pfft, nah. I really had intended on taking tomorrow off anyway, cause I really don't feel like going in, but I HAVE to go in Friday, cause I know my work is just getting put onto a higher and higher pile. Also, they told me I have a fever, 102, which i knew I did. I was hot and then shivering and back and forth. I'm hoping the meds help.

POLT Oil:65.03 (-1.27); Gas: 2.89 (+.01)

Everything I like is either illegal, immoral, or fattening. - Liz Smith


m_o_o_nspells said...

Take care of yourself, sweetie...and listen, ANY excuse for a day off works works for me! Feel better...
*more hugs from across the room*

Truthspew said...

Oh man - I feel for ya. About 8 months ago I started with inner ear problems. That sucked big time.

I'm over that now and haven't really been sick at all this year otherwise.

Hope you feel better soon.