Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Lacey intrigue of this weekend should not be abused...

Okay, as promised I have weekend photos. Not ALL of them mind you, some are NOT for public viewing.

Firstly, we have...the LOVE NEST,
prior to it being....disturbed.

This is a lake on the campus, which apparently isn't swimable because of chemicals dumped there? Whatever, i don't know, it looked scenic, I know that.

Freddie, in his dormroom. After seeing this, I'm not surprised that he isn't disturbed by the condition of my apartment. His room is also smaller than most dormrooms, I have no idea why he got stuck with that one. All I know is, next year, he'll have a better room, one that he chose himself, and a better roommate, one that he chose himself.

Okay, they had these large inflatable things there. One of them was this slide. That is Freddie's friend Maria coming down the slide.

this is Freddie coming down the same slide.

As he got up off the slide, Freddie used those large inflated trees there to help him, but they weren't sturdy and he ended up just pushing both of them forward, one which smacked squarely into Maria. We all laughed about that one.

This is the quad, wherein a lot of the festivities took place. its not real busy, cause this is late on Saturday, just before they closed the place up for the day. You'll also notice it's a bit cloudy and overcast. no sunburns this day. Sunday, though...well that's a seperate story.

One of many cute guys walking around (well it IS a college campus after all)

I was there with Freddie, Maria, Maria's cousin Jenna and her girlfriend Jen. Maria was the only straight person there. And so she had to get a photo of the 'mos (for you breeders that's short for homo's)

And Maria in all her glory. Yeah, you'd think she's cultured and all that, but deep down, she's just a Jersey Girl.

And Maria and Freddie. He has the sweetest faghags.

The one on the right, the one with the broken blinds, that's Freddie's dormroom.

This is the outside of his dorm building. I was allowed inside, twice, and I passed a few guys in the hallway, but no, no one was walking around in just a towel, still wet or otherwise. Damn.

I know you can't see it very well, but you'll have to take my word for it that this was a VERY fine ass. The legs were covered in drak black hair, the basketball shorts blew in the wind and nicely contoured everything. It wasn't until he lowered the hood and turned around I saw he was probably still in high school. then i felt a bit dirty. But hey, I'm used to that feeling, so i soon got over it.

This cutie was sitting the bleachers at the pig races. What you can't see here, and what I only noticed later, was that he was wearing a Superman S t-shirt! yay! Cute AND cool!

This one too was watching the pig races. he had on shorts that revealed his athletic legs, which i unfortunately didn't get in the photo.

Some guys *SIGH*....it's all about size and length isn't it? The guy on the left, by the way, had a pretty fine ass on his too.

Another of Freddie's faghags, this one Sara. She is musically inclined, as she plays in the college/community band. They played during parts of the festival.

What can I say, another cute guy. (And I'm not even posting all the photos I took. Its a wonder the battery didn't run out)

This is a cute sorta Asian looking guy in the band. he sat in front of Sara, lucky girl.

And this is THE cutest guy on campus that, or any other, day. See I probably said something to him like that when i took the photo, thus the goofy smile. And you can see behind him again, the quad and the people milling about. This was on Sunday.

Another Freddie faghag, Megan. We hung out a bit with her and her man Matt, who I strangely didn't get a photo of.

Aww, look at him....like and angel when he sleeps. A sunburnt angel at this point, but an angel nontheless.

And then Monday, on the way home, I stopped by my friend Amie's house, hung out with her and her new baby Eve a bit, had lunch with them. this is me and Eve.

So that is my weekend in photo-form....or at least what I can show you.


Do you think it's weird using women as bait? No, of course not. - Ted, Queer Eye For The Straight Guy


BirdMadGirl said...

Great pics :) You guys look so happy... and it would have been lovely to show the hotel in it's disheveled state as well. That would have been funny :)

BTW, Jenna (I think) the dark haired girl... I own that exact same shirt :)

Michelle said...

Well...by the looks of those pictures....you had a grrrrreat time...hehe I wont ask for any more details than you gave though.....lol

I will say this....you are worse than me when it comes to checking out men...hehe and trust me....I check men out a LOT!!! lol

Glad you had fun!!!