Saturday, May 19, 2007

But heroes will never let you down just as long as they're dead...

So, am I wrong for thinking that Sylar, on Heroes, is pretty freaking sexy?

I mean he's still evil and all, yeah, I got that. But he got his head lowered a bit, and is looking up with that sinister grin on his face, well...he gets me all swoony!

Not that he's the ONLY thing worth looking at on Heroes! I mean, Peter is kinda cute, but kinda dopey too, however, in the future episode, with the stubble and the slicked back hair, and the dark clothes, and the attitude and yes, even the scar, he was HOT!

I always had a thing for Isaac, what with his hairthing he ALWAYS had going on. And before he detoxed, he had a lot of stubble too, and I think, frequently, in wife-beaters! Although now that he's decapitated and decomposing on the floor of his apartment/workspace, I think his desirablity might be a smidge less.

While Hiro is a cool character, he's not really cute or hot or anything. Ando, however, well, I DO have a thing for Asian men, dontcha know?

Oh and there's Mohinder! Usually is rocking the stubbled/hairthing look himself rather well!

And let's not forget the written-out little Gothboy/gayboy cutie friend of Claire's, Zach. And I don't care what the writers, his agents or the message boards say, Zach was a gay character. I could tell from the first episode he was! He was, I tell ya!

And back to the future episode, did anyone else get moist at Clarie's fiance, Andy? Holy Moley, that boy was sex personafied! his smile, his lips, his rocked body (what we saw of it), hell if I was gonna marry him, I wouldn't wanna pass that up either! The actors name is Kellen Lutz, and look what your Uncle Polt found for you online!

You don't have to thank me.


Lord Of The Rings is Christian as hell, dude!


LadyXandria said...

Oh, we DEFINITELY have to thank you. You're the best!

Heidi said...

once upon a time i would have been right there with you on sylar and the bad peter. now my favoritie is the anguished but still good guy isaac and the sweet dopey peter. i am surprised that i especially like hiro. i think because he is such a geeky hero.

i think possibly that falling in love with an actual mean boy has cured me of finding the fake mean boys sexy. maybe. time will tell i guess.

BirdMadGirl said...

OMG... I love Mohinder. I think that man is beautiful and I could listen to him talk all day... as I run my fingers through those dark curls... gawd, he's gorgeous. Fucking OOOooooof!

Peter is my 2nd favorite.. he just got more and more attractive every episode. And I loved him deeper the more messy his hair got ;)