Friday, May 25, 2007

Awards, there's no prize or fame...

Aggie's been employed the hospital now for 5 years, and they were having service awards at the country club this week. She asked me to go along, I said, hell meal at the country club? Who wouldn't say yes to that???

We were seated at a table with three ladies in the "higher management" (and by that you can infer that I mean 'rich' and 'snobs'), and their husbands. Oh, even though we had a great time on our honeymoon in Jamaica, we were not at all happy with the service whined. And oh, our girls, they just don't know how to behave with thier cell phones, complained another. ANd dear me this, and oh dear me that. Yeah, cry me a river. I was tempted on at least one point to speak up about something they had said, but realized that's not why I was there. So instead, I said very little at all. I just gazed at Steve, the cute little young waiter with the azure blue eyes.

The food was great: salad, main course of nice steak, hunk of chicken, field of green beans and potato, cheesecake drizzled with butterscotch and half a large strawberry for dessert.

When the time came for thier gifts, this is what they recieved: a 4X6 (roughly) inch thick glass plaque with the backboard carrying the business's name, recepient's name, length of service...kinda nice actually; a what I thought was a cellphone, but actually turned out to be a calculater/calendar/time zone indicator/etc. Again, pretty nice; AND a catalog with numerous things on it and they could order ONE. There was a nice globe (that would a really great gift for someone's upstairs neighbor, eh, Ag?), necklaces, watches, pensets, a set of tumblers, I think wallets, picture frame, and other nice stuff. Overall, I was impressed.

I just had my ten year anniversary at my job and ya know what I got? It's either a coaster or a paperweight, I'm not sure, but's circular and has the business and ten years service engraved on it, but not my name. Pfffffft, chincey.

Anyway, it wasn't long after they recieved this, and had photos taken, that we beat feet and drove to Rita's for a gelati. Mmm-mmm!

I may or may not have done the following: saw a guy that I have known in the Biblical arrive there with his wife....and only a passing glance in my direction; sang horribly off key and at the top of my lungs to some country-esque song as I drove us back home; bought a Greatest Mom In The World t-shirt kit, where the kid gets to put paint on his hands and put them on the shirt to then give to his mom; scoped out the cute waiters in the other section of the country club that we did not get to, but did walk past.

Good food, good friends, free gifts, and mocking of snobbery...what more do you need for a perfect evening?


Security is the essential roadblock to achieving the road map to peace. - George W. Bush


Ag said...

Thank you for escorting me to my awards dinner.

Plus putting up with the upper management ladies now you see what I have to deal with every day I work.

As far as the globe don't you think travel agent ag would like to have the globe after all she is a travel agent....

Just a thought......

Anonymous said...

No you didn't see a guy with his wife that you have known in the Biblical sense? That is so great. You should have went up to them and said hey guy remember me? You still owe me that 50 dollars. He would have paid to get you to go away. Is that too mean?

LadyXandria said...

Mmm... I love Rita's. I usually get a Misto when I go there.