Tuesday, May 01, 2007

You I remember and I feel sickened...

I feel like crap. I feel like crap warmed over. I've been fighting a cold or the flu since last Saturday. Over the weekend, I thought I was okay, except for the occasional coughing up of lungsnot. Last night, however, it all started again. Sore throat, headache, and now, add to that the body aches and a i think I have a fever.

I called the doctor, but he's out of the office, today and tomorrow. I can see the Nurse practioner, but he's all booked up today. So I get to go see him tomorrow at 9:45. I took off work both days, which is I guess cool, except that 1) I'm sick, and can't really enjoy my time off, and 2) I'm gonna have so much work piled up on my desk when I get back I'll need a week just to catch up. Oh sure, I have a co-worker who's supposed to cover my job when I'm not there....supposed to being the optimum word, I think. She does it...when it suits her. Which ain't often. Ah, but enough about work...

So I'm laying around here, watching a few Netflix DVD's that I had to catch up on, and drinking lots of orange juice and taking advil for the symptoms. I really want a nice powerful antibiotic to just knock the damn germs outta my system. And a nice pleasand pain killer to make me feel nice and pleasant. But whatever...

This too shall pass...


You drop one more name, I'm stapling your mouth shut. - Donna, the West Wing


m_o_o_nspells said...

Poor Poltie...I have one word for you:
Big N, little y, big f*ckin' Q! Dennis Leary has that one right...it'll knock you right on yer butt, which is what I want when I'm sick.
Hope you feel better, sweetie...
*hugs...from across the room...with no contact* ;o)

Anonymous said...

well...I just had my first bout with a cold in about 2 yrs. after valiantly keeping them at bay from my relatives, neices and nephews and all the people at work with kids I finally got a sore throat that could not be overpowered by 4 days worth of the cold-eze zinc lozenges....but they usually do the trick the rest of the time. you can only have about 3 or 4 during the course of a day because the zinc is harsh on your stomach and leaves you with no sense of taste and a bit of stomach upset.

Anyway, I went into full attack mode on the cold....which for me means just about full liquids and very little else in the way of food (which isn't so bad since I can't taste much of anything). Hot liquids are best, like soup. Avoid dairy stuff since it promotes more phlegm in your throat. And over the counter drugs....zicam (I get the swaps for your nose...more zinc...more lose of taste sensation), nasal spray like Afrin so you can breath, and pseudoephedrine (pseudofed) only without any antihistimine since the antihistimine dries my mouth out so bad it creates a worse cough than I would normally get from drainage. the thing with pseudoephedrine (generic) now is that you have to practically sign away your life to get it at the pharmacy counter....this is because it is one of the ingredients used for methamphetamine addicts. anyway, its a decongestant and will keep the "snot" as you call it moving through your sinuses without getting all stuffed up. last, but not least I get the cough medecine that has the dextramathorphan and guafenesin (sp?) which generally works good at night...just take a couple of swigs right from the bottle which should last about 3-4 days. I attribute the cold going away in about 4-5 days to the zicam. colds don't like zinc in general and all the liquid kind of flushes stuff out of your system. the doctor can't do much unless you have an infection...antibiotics only work on infections and colds are viruses....no drugs for viruses yet.

Best of luck and try to take care of yourself. It seems like you've already been sick 3-4 times just this past winter.

Fairy Godfather.