Tuesday, May 29, 2007

In your dreams, whatever they be, dream a little dream of me...

This is the final scene from Beautiful Thing. (Ignore the Asian language subtitles). This scene NEVER fails to bring a tear to my eye.

If you've never seen the movie, it's a bit hard to explain here. Just suffice it to say two English lads discover they love each other over the course of the movie. This final scene is them, dancing in public, in front of neighbors and whoever. And they just don't give a crap. How brave. That starts the tearing up for me. but then, when Jamie's mother, Sandra, goes to dance with the neighbor girl, well, that's the second time I tear up. And the look on her face...man, it's like a mama tiger just DARING anyone in the crowd to say anything.

I'm just a sentimental old fool, but even after seeing the film numerous times, even after only seeing this little clip, I'm still a bit choked up.


I could buy a decent used car right now, or an amazingly thorough prostitute. - Ron, Undeclared


Anonymous said...

I've never seen this movie but I'm going to soon. Even with the language barrier and only seeing the end, I teared up to the beautiful Mam Cass song and when the one guy holds out his hand and says Want to dance? For a few seconds I didn't know if he would take his hand and I found myself yelling, "Dance with him you fool." Then as they danced in front of God and everyone well it ws a Beautiful Thing indeed!!!

Polt said...

Oh Ed, you HAVE to see this movie! until Latter Days came along a few years ago, THIS was my FAVORITE movie! The English accents are a bit thick, and can be difficult in the beginning, but you'll get the hang of it before too much happens. Please, after you watch it, let me know what you thought!

Anonymous said...

I ordered the DVD. I read what it is about, change it to abusive Mother and it could be the story of my life. I'll shed some serious eye liquid watching this.

JP said...

Go Get Yourself the Soundtrack...RUN! Don't Walk! It's great to belt "Make your kind of MUSIC" at full volume and in order to maximize the annoynace factor of being a troublesome neighbor. I find this to be especially effective when you can hear them having sex through a shared wall...It's like a bug zapper for breeder sex...