Thursday, May 17, 2007

Dig down for minorities, promise them concessions...

Heard this tonight, ya gotta love it.

It seems on his program, Rush Dimbulb, I mean Limbaugh, was all wound up about...well, just let me quote from a transcript of what he said,

"there's a template developing for the Republican debate last night. "How come there are no women and minorities on stage?" I guess you forgot about 2004. And I guess -- you know, the Democrats never get those kinds of questions because it's always assumed that they're fair and just, and not discriminatory and all that."

Okay, yeah, maybe that's the case. Course, maybe the Democrats are not getting those kind of questions because there ARE women and minorities on the stage!!! Hillary - woman, Obama - black, Richardson - Hispanic. That's two more minorities and one more woman than I saw on the stage at the Republican debates.

Oh, but wait, this is Dimbulb! Everything's the fault of the media, I forget! There's no need to consider facts and truth, he's a CONSERVATIVE! They don't need facts and truth, they make thier own!

Ya gotta wonder, even those moronic ditto-heads from the 90's, if there's still any of them around, do even THEY listen to him anymore?

POLT Oil: 64.97 (+2.42); Gas: 2.99 (+.01)

I don't know if I'm a bottom because it turns me on or if I'm a bottom because I'm lazy. - Margaret Cho


Anonymous said...

It is amazing to watch the neo-cons outright lie about things like the color of the sky. I mean really, the Americans who listen to Limbozo must have IQ's in the 90 range. Remarkable.


Truthspew said...

That's ok, last night I had the privilege to be present as the religious idiots made fools of themselves.

Anonymous said...

I suddenly think there may be hope for the United States and Canada might not have to build the Windsor Wall after all. :)