Tuesday, May 29, 2007

A chain of fools, you need a matching...

Charles Nelson Reilly has died.

He was 76. I know him from the reruns on TV of the late 60's show, The Ghost And Mrs. Muir. I know him from the stint on Matchgame. I know him from his hilarious portrayal of Jose Chung in that X-Files episode.

I knew him as an out gay man in the late 70's. One of the few. He, along with Paul Lynne, were really only the gay men I had to exposure too. And even then, before I knew about myself, I knew about them. One thing they did teach me was, as a gay man, it's your right, nay DUTY, to have a handy quip or pithy comeback ready at all times. And I'd like to think, from them, I learned to do that myself.

The glasses, the pipe, the ascots, the "huh-huh-huh-huh" sound he made....Charles Nelson Reilly, a gay icon, gone forever. Entertaining the angels now.


The great thing about living on a flight path is sometimes luggage just falls from the sky. - Carson, Queer Eye For The Straigh Guy

1 comment:

JP said...

He and Paul Lynne and Rip Taylor showed the world that gay boys have an uncompromising sense of humor. No doubt they had a whole lotta ugly to laugh their way through.