Monday, May 21, 2007

They're heroic or pathetic, depending on which book you buy...

Okay, this post is all about the Heroes season finale, and it's probable there will be spoilers, so if you haven't seen it yet, and want to, read no further!

Can you beLIEVE it???? Oh my GOD! I certainly did not expect a lot of things that happened this time! (I didn't exepect Linderman's death last episode either, but that's another post.) I love how it built and built. it was not at ALL anti-climatic.

Was I the only one to literally cheer out loud when Nikki grabbed the parking meter and smacked it into Sylar? Was I the only one who gasped when Hiro actually ran Sylar through? His name is NOAH???? And was I the only one to shout, "OHMIGOD!" when I realized Nathan was going to fly Peter away???? (although technically, couldn't Peter have flown himself away?) And was I the only one to shudder a bit when Molly talked about the "worse" boogie man?

Look, like in all the comics, I don't expect for a second Peter, Nathan, and Sylar are actually dead. I can think of like two or three ways they all survived. It would kinda lessen the impact of the episode a bit (well not Sylar's, cause we all know he crawled away), but still the episode was great.

What surprised me, about the whole series, was how they killed off so many characters. I might be missing some, but there Linderman, the Eric Roberts character, Ted Sprague, the little chick that was Mohinder's neighbor, the waitress in Texas, Isaac, Isaac girlfriend...I mean they all could have been major characters.

but what else surprised me was how everything was brought around. I mean, Molly is the little girl we saw in the beginning, Mrs. Petrelli isn't the shoplifting bird brain I thought her to be, Mr. Devereau, the Peterillis, Linderman, Mr. Nakamora, etc, all involved in this...conspiracy.

Anyway, the series as a whole was very entertaining. There were some slow spots, but it was all building to this episode, and I, for one, am impressed with how they did it, considering this is TV! you don't expect this kind of stuff from the boob tube.


What the hell do you know, you fat sweaty mongoloid? - Stan, South Park


Anonymous said...

Next years Heroes might take place in 1671 Japan. One samurai rode up and stopped the others from shooting Hiro, I think it was his Father. How could a boogie man be worse than Sylar? I think the sword of Hiro actually killed Sylar. I can't wait to see how many the others kill and if they take all the women prisoner. Oh, wait that is Lost, sorry. LOL.

BirdMadGirl said...

I was surprised with the portion that showed the old guy Peter was taking care of early in the show. He obviously had some sort of power as well and a connection to everyone... but what did he have to do with everything?? That bit confused me.

Also, if it was so important to "save the cheerleader, save the world" - then why was it actually Nathan and Hiro that saved the world?? That bit confused me too. Really, what did she do?? Sure, she brought Peter back from death, but if he was just going to blow up anyway, maybe that wasn't a good thing?? Maybe I missed the point?? What are your thoughts on that?

It also seemed kind of uneventful to me that, OH NO! He's going to blow up!! Nathan flies him out... it's over. What?!?! That's it? I expected something more I guess. Like you said, couldn't Peter fly himself out?? Not only that, but Peter can regenerate - - his brother cannot. That seems a bit selfish to me on Peter's part.

But regardless... I LOVE THE SHOW. LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT. :)