Tuesday, May 29, 2007

So maybe she tastes like a hamburger...

At one point in the family Memorial Day obligations, there was talk of food, and how unhealthy hamburgers were. I HAD to disagree most forcefully.

I pointed out that hamburgers were probably the best food you could eat. i eat mine with lettuce, mayo, ketchup, onions, and sometimes cheese. And what COULD be healthier? I mean, it's got all the 4 food groups in ONE SANDWICH!

Bread - the bun
Dairy - Cheese, and possibly something in the mayo
Fruits and Vegetables - lettuce, onions, and ketchup
Meat - the hamburger patty itself!

Mmm-mmm! 4-food-group-alicious!


I'm a bluestater, baby! - Jon Stewart, The Daily Show


J a d e said...

Haha good example of the american mentality.

Technicaly a hamburger is good for you if you cook it yourself and drain most the grease. But, fast food.. forget it.. thats clogged arteries and thunderthighs on a bun. And the meat they use is "grade F" meaning "barely fit for human consumption".

:) just a few words of wisdom for you. Have a good day.

Michelle said...

Hey...I'm with you...burgers rock!! :)