Thursday, August 02, 2007

Best laid plans....

So, Freddie's coming down Friday. He's staying with his friend Megan from last night until he leaves Friday to come here. My alarm goes off this morning. I turn it off and look around the bedroom, then go into the living room and look around there. And i realize there is no way in HELL that I'm ever going to get all that cleaned tonight. SO I called into work, took a Personal Day so I could get the apartment clean. Well....not really clean, because that would take WEEKS, if not months. But I want to get it at least presentable.

And after calling in, I promptly go back to bed and sleep a few more hours.

I got up and piddled around here until AJ called me. He told me he, his girlfriend and the new baby were all home. So, after showering and getting cleaned up, I drove over to see them. Wyatt, the baby was sleeping, and AJ was hesitant to pick him up, he didn't want to break him. So I, who have had many more years experience with babies, went ahead and picked him up. AJ took a photo of me and Wyatt.

I know he's only 4 days old, so he's not supposed to be big, but DAMN he was tiny. My hand was bigger than his whole head. I was there for about 45 minutes, and I held Wyatt the whole time. WE just sat in a chair and he slept on my chest. I got to meet Lisa, Wyatt's mother, and John, Wyatt's older brother (he's six, and Lisa's first kid), and well as Rocky, their bulldog.

AJ seemed a bit overwhelmed, which is understandable since he's like 23 or 24 and a first time father. But he was so proud as well. he pointed out Wyatt's hair, and how he was a good baby, and how strong his grip was, and even, while Lisa changed him, AJ wanted to show off his son's circumcision and how well it was done. SO that was a lot of fun.

Before I left for AJ's though, Freddie called to tell me Megan and her family had to leave late tonight or very early tomorrow to go to Virigina for a funeral. So Freddie was planning on coming down tonight! So it's a damn good thing I took the day off to get ready, cause I would never have gotten ANYTHING done if I had gone to work.

Course now, Freddie's gonne be by himself here at the apartment all day Friday and Saturday. I mean he can keep himself busy and all, but I hate going to work and just leaving him here two days in a row. But what can we do? As the post is titled...the best laid plans...

POLT Oil: 76.93 (+.31); Gas: 2.83 (-.01)

Hey, don't knock evil. We get paid better and our costumes come at below wholesale. - Rapier, Superman/Batman #20


Anonymous said...

Here's a thought how about putting Freddie to work giving the place a good cleaning.
It will give him something he can do for you. He'll love that.
He will be alone all day but "Oh those summer nights"!!!

Sexy Duet said...

When Mr SD was living interstate I used to clean like mad the night before he was coming to visit too, I am not the tidiest person.

While its no good that Freddie will be alone when you're at work, at least he will be waiting for you when you get home.

Have a great time together!