Sunday, August 12, 2007

You cross a lawyer with the godfather, baby...

Hey, all, today is Mark, my fairy godfather's birthday. I won't ask him his age if you dont. I have birthday cards to send to him, but I haven't done so yet, but will do so soon.

Nonetheless, perhaps we can all wish him a Happy Birthday here, to hold him over at least until he gets the cards!

Mark, Happy Birthday!!!!

Sorry we're not able to celebrate it together. You'll get your cards soon. Have a slice of the rainbow birthday cake below!


I'll let you hold my baby, if you promise not to gay it. - My friend Amie


Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARK, you don't look a day over 40. You're godson is a peach and we love him. You brought him up right. Have a nice time on this your day!

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Thank you.....39 is always so much fun even if we have to do the same number year after year. (It's a Jack Benny thing...most of you wouldn't understand.)

Nice looking cake too, fortunately you left the candles off or it would have turned all black since I would have expired trying to blow them all out.

Not a big day planned. I wish there were more friends around here, but it just hasn't worked out that way. I have in the back of my mind moving out east again and taking my chances with the job situations. I know my parents would not be happy or supportive about it, but I'm up to my neck in quicksand here and this state is going under soon.

Thanks for remembering.

Fairy Godfather.

Anonymous said...

Ah yes I remember Jack Benny very well. he was famous for being 39 forever and for being stingy. His most famous line: Held up at gun point on the street, the would be robber says, "Your money or your life, I said your money or your life." Benny:"I'm thinking, I'm thinking."

Anonymous said...

Eds gay bulletin board: Latest gossip-Ryan and Mikey posted again on their "Boys are ugly but so cute" blog.
Ed ordered the Movie "Latter days" after watching "Beautiful Things" for over 50 times. Favorite lines--Ste "Do you think I'm Queer" Jamie "Don't matter what I think."
Sandra "Hey Ste I hear you're in love" Ste "What?"
Sandra to Jamie, "I'm not going to put you out in the morning like an empty bottle."