Tuesday, August 14, 2007

An Utterance, information, don't mince words (Part 55)...

TMI Tuesday

1. Define "infidelity" as it relates to a relationship. Have you ever been guilty of infidelity? Have you ever been the victim of infidelity? Have you ever been a participant in someone else's infidelity? I think "infidelity" is being unfaithful to your partner in your feelings. Having sex with someone else isn’t necessarily a part of it, but feeling love for someone else, when you’re already with someone, is definitely part of it. I don’t believe I’ve been guilty of it. I’ve not been a victim of it, to my knowledge. And I don’t believe I ever was a part of someone else’s infidelity.
EDIT to above: I've about this since I posted it, and think I need to add something. Infidelity also occurs when a couple is in an exclusive relationship and one has sex without the knowledge of the other. I was assuming, when I wrote above, that the relationship was not exclusive, like the relationship Freddie and i have. But if we were exclusive, and I had sex without his knowledge, yeah, that would be infidelity. HOWEVER, if we both agree to bring a third person into our bed for sex, and are both there, then no, to me that's not infidelity. (geez, who knows this would be so technical?)
2. What is the last thing you stole? Geez, I don’t know…a pen from work? No, how about a magazine I stole from a bookstore back in college. It was a gay porn mag and I was ashamed to buy it. But that was 18 years ago at least, when I still felt ashamed about being gay and before all the free porn on the Internet.
3. Name one place in your country that you have never been but would like to visit and why. San Francisco, just because it’s a center of gay life in America. And it's supposed to be beautiful.
4. What movies can you watch over and over again? Rules Of Attraction, The Birds, The (orignial)Poseidon Adventure, and various and sundry stimulating pornos.
5. Who is the last person you saw naked? Other than myself this morning, I guess it would have to be Freddie last weekend.

Bonus (as in optional): In honor of the 237 Reasons We Have SexTell us at least five but not more than ten reason you have had sex.

In the order they were listed, I’ll go with:

The person’s physical appearance truned me on.
I was horny.
It’s fun.
It feels good.
I was really aroused and wanted the release
The opportunity presented itself.
I wanted to please my partner.
I was bored.
I felt obligated to.
I wanted to feel good about myself.

I’d just like to mention, there was also this one listed: "Wanted to feel closer to God." I really wanna met the person who made someone feel THAT way!

And there was this one listed too: "It was an initiation rite to a club or organization". !!!! What type of clubs or organizations have THIS as an initiation rite, and why have I never heard of them before??? And WHY am I NOT already a member????????


"Billy, you're bleeding!" "That explains why it hurts." - Wiccan, Young Avengers #10


Bunny said...

I was also curious about this club or organization initiation rite ~ then again, I'm not a Mason or an Elk or anything, so I don't know what those dudes do!

There are actually a lot of people who find sex to be very spiritual and that it brings them closer to God. For an interesting perspective on this, hie thee to a library and check out "SexGod" by Rob Bell.

Great answers! Happy TMI!

Anonymous said...

LMAO! "Wanted to feel closer to God." Indeed! I'd definately like to meet the person that made them feel that way. That must have been just -wow-.

For the initiation thing, the only thing I can think of is maybe some sort of sorority or frat? Maybe a cult or secret society? Or maybe an underground sex club! What? Don't look at me like that ;_;

The Birds is an excellent movie, I liked the sequel (The Birds: Land's End) but not as much as the original.

h said...

What'd you think? People join the Shriners for the silly hats? Grrherhahahahahhaahaa.

Happy TMI.

Anonymous said...

There go the profits... one pen, and one pad of paper, at a time!!!

Good stuff.

Happy TMI


Anonymous said...

San Francisco is beautiful and a lot of fun. I love visiting friends there or just visiting there in general when I can make the trip.

I'd like to meet and talk a little to anyone who said "Wanted to feel closer to God" and truly meant it. That would be interesting, heh.

Great answers. Happy TMI.

Anonymous said...

Great answers Polt, Who comes up with these questions anyway? Mark Twain said, The coldest winter I ever spent was the summer I spent in San Francisco. I think that is why Gays were attracted to there to begin with, the cool climate makes for lots of sex without overheating. ;)

Shibari said...

Loved your answers.. oh and the quote... lovely...
Hoping you are having a whole lot of fun luv!

Anonymous said...

I love your answers. Your blog is pretty interesting, I think I will have to come back and check out more. :] Happy TMI!