Friday, August 03, 2007

File it under milestones...

So today, I crossed a milestone in my life. Or actually, a milestone in the life of my car, Miss Cleo. She turned over the 100,000 mile mark. Whoo-hoo!

This is my odometer right before the turnover...

This is my odometer right after the turnover....

And THIS is the place where it turned over.

(Yeah, I did stop in the middle of the street, but there was no one behind me, I checked. Safety first!)

So, after work, I came out to the car and it was hot. Safari kinda hot. THIS was the temperature on Miss Cleo's thermometer!


And speaking of DAMN, as I drove home, I passed this really REALLY hot guy jogging shirtless. he was 20-ish, with curly hair, some fuzz on his chins, tanned, sweaty, thighs of steel, and a pierced nipple. And I am such a loser that I drove around the block to position myself to get his picture, the result of which is below.

Even if the photo isn't the best, he was WELL worth the effort to see him again.


People on ludes should not drive. - Jeff Spicoli, Fast Times At Ridgemont High

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the 100,000 Miss Cleo is now a mature girl. May she have many more miles.
One of the joys of Summer is to see the guys jogging stripped bare to the waist. I see a lot of roofers around town who can't seem to keep their shirts on.
Next time maybe you could offer him a cold drink back at your place.