Tuesday, August 07, 2007

An utterance, information, don't mince words (Part 54)...

Too Much Information Tuesday

These come from http://tmituesday.blogspot.com/ each week.

1. What is the worst/corniest pick up line someone has used on you and/or you used? Hmm, well when I'm in the chat room, I find it quite irritating for someone to send me an IM with the only "asl" typed there. No "Hi", "Hey", "Hello". Just asking for my stats. Pathetic.
2. Have you ever gone out on a date with someone and went home with someone else? Explain. No, I don't believe I've ever done this. Now, I have taken the date home, left, and went to hook up with someone else. But that's not quite the same thing.
3. What is the worst thing (spread a rumor, hook up with their SO, etc...) that you did to a friend? Did they do anything to deserve it? I mentioned it before here, I think, but I was fooling around with this guy and he explicitly told me not to tell a mutual friend of ours, but I told her anyway, just to brag that I bedded him. And of course he found out. Did he deserve it? Not at all. Not only did I lose his trust, I lost his friendship as well.
4. What is your favorite sex scene in a regular movie (not porn)? Why? The scene at the airport hotel between the two main characters in "Latter Days". It's my favorite because it's passionate, and romantic, and filmed in such a fashion, with strategic shadows so that you can tell they're both naked, without revealing anything x-rated.
5. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? What would you change on your SO? Myself: to weight less. My SO: that he live closer.
Bonus (as in optional): What countries, other than your own, have you had sex in? Was it someone on the trip with you? Someone from that country? Bahamas: the girl I went with. Canada: NUMEROUS citizens of Toronto. England, Switzerland, Italy, Spain,France: sex with my right hand.

POLT Oil:72.40 (-1.99); Gas: 2.78 (+.02)

It's still difficult to tell if President Bush is just a calous liar or if he lives in his own little world, which bears no resemblance to the real one. - Charley Reese, Aug 24, 2006


Anonymous said...

Great Bonus answer!!! ... your right hand... HA!!!

Happy TMI!


Bunny said...

You and righty are pretty well traveled there! Great answers - happy TMI!