Sunday, August 19, 2007

I'm you candyman, candyman...

Found this in a store not too long ago:

Rainbow Twizzlers!

They should use this marketing campaign:

"Rainbow Twizzlers! Gay candy for the gay man!" or
"Rainbow Twizzlers! For the man who like his candy as gay as he is" or
"Rainbow Twizzlers! A bit of the gay in every bite"

...or maybe not. Actually, some of the flavors tasted pretty sickening. Not something I'd recommend for consumption, but the aesthetic value cannot be under-valued.

What I love about that Tom Cruise meltdown is that it's so crazy, even the gays don't want him anymore. - Kathy Griffin

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cool .... I have not seen them here on the west coast yet. We're a little behind the times out here.
