Tuesday, August 28, 2007

An utterance, information, don't mince words (Part 57)...

Too Much Information Tuesday

1. What is the best relationship advice you've ever received? Love. Laugh. Listen.
2. How many people have you dated at once? How many people do you thinkit is acceptable to date at once? I’ve only ever ‘dated’ one person at a time. And I’ve only ever ‘dated’ like 5 or 6 guys total. (I’m obviously not including all the sexual encounters, cause I don’t consider them dates). And if you have no commitments from any of them, I think it’s acceptable to date as many people at once as you can handle. However, if you make a commitment with one, then it is unaccepatable to date anyone else.
3. What made your worst kiss so bad? He pursed his lips tightly and kept them that way. Wouldn’t relax his lips, wouldn't open his mouth. It was like the kisses you give family members on the cheek. Only this was lip to lip. I progressed us quickly from the kissing to the sex, which was much better..he opened his mouth then.
4. Can a relationship last if the sex is bad? I think it depends on how much you have invested in the relationship. If you’ve been with the person for years, and you love them and have life experiences with them, then bad sex wouldn’t necessarily be a deal breaker. If you’ve only been with them say a month, and the sex is bad, and doesn’t get any better, even with your helpful suggestions, then yeah, the relationship is doomed. To be fair though, I’m saying all this from the aspect of being in a relationship where the sex is awesome. If it was bad, I might have a different opinion.
5. What one thing would you like your partner to do every time you have sex with them? Oh he knows what I want everytime. Trust me, he knows.
Bonus (as in optional): What is your secret weapon to lure in the opposite sex? Um, to lure the opposite sex would be my ability to be a great friend. Now my secret weapon to lure in the SAME sex…oh if I told you that I’d have to kill you.


You made more noise than buffaloes trying to make love on a waterbed. - Natas, Green Arrow #67


h said...

Happy TMI. Sex without dating? You're living in paradise!!

Bunny said...

Great answers! lol at #3 - he opened his mouth then - tee hee! #5 - great to have found someone like that.

Oh, I'd love to hear more about your secret weapon . . . maybe Freddie will tell us.

{HUG} and Happy TMI!

Anonymous said...

"Oh, he knows what I want everytime, trust me he knows."
He knows what you want and gives it to you, Marry the guy now!!
Polt, I know your secret it is to just be yourself, right?

Shibari said...

Always Always Always great answers...
I hate tight lips ffs... soft kisses are the best for sure.

Professor Fate said...

:) I have always thought that bad sex was a sign a trouble elsewhere in the relationship (and if it was a sign it would become a symptom a a filing relationship).