Sunday, August 26, 2007

You be the grass, we'll be the lawnmower...

Yesterday, I was visiting my parents. I took the dog out so she could do her business, and what did I see? Right across the street a neighboar was mowing his front yard. A muscular, defined, tanned, sweaty, shirtless, hot-assed neighbor, in sunglasses, mowing his front yard.

I ran back into the house, grabbed my car keys, got my camera out of the car, put the dog back in and then surrepticiously took photos of him. Many many photos. below, are the best examples.

Hmmm, paparazzi-esque, isn't it?


You notice is doesn't smell like ratpiss in here anymore. - Thom, Queer Eye For The Straight Guy


Faggot said...

nice job Polt.
if only i had such neighbors living in my neighborhood...........
i really needed a camera then ;-)

Anonymous said...

Great pics Polt! Lucky you to have such a neighbor. I have a neighbor who hires a landscaping company to mow his lawn. It is comprised of one older man and three very young ones. They scurry about trimming hedges and weed eating while the old guy rides on the mower.