Thursday, May 28, 2009

You look tired and happy...

Because it's my blog, and because I've been on a Radiohead kick lately, and because you can really NEVER see too many Radiohead videos, I give you "No Surprises" by Radiohead.

Radiohead - No Surprises

I wanted to put up "Let Down" but the video freakin' sucks.

POLT Listening to "No Surprises" by Radiohead

The march to war hurt the economy. Laura reminded me a while ago that remember what was on the TV screens - she calls me 'George W.' - 'George W.'. I call her 'First Lady'. No anyway - she said, we said, march to war on our TV screens. - George W. Bush


Mark said...

I'm up at 3:00 in the afternoon with acid issues and I see this post. I Love Radiohead, ever since Creep came out I have loved them. And No Surprises is my second favorite. Gonna try to get some rest now. Luv Ya!

Xi_Heather said...

Hey Polt, my sister was in a Radiohead video! I never saw it, though, since we didn't have cable at the time. This would have been in the early or mid 90s, and I think she was in a diner or something and opened up a box of food at the end and got blown up, if I'm remembering her description correctly. Does this sound like anything Radiohead? (I suppose I could just call her and ask, now that we have Youtube to turn to.)

Polt said...

Yes, Xi_Heather, that sounds EXACTLY like a Radiohead video!!! I don't know the song offhand, but I remember the video. I'll go look it up!

Email me with the details! How cool...