Friday, February 19, 2010


After work today, I came home, dropped some things off, grabbed my iPod and took a walk. It was a short walk, only about 20-25 minutes. It was a chilly walk but it was a sunny one, and that's why I went. I felt getting a little sunshine could not be a bad thing.

I went to mom's at the end of the walk. We talked a bit and I played with the dog. Mom said she too was feeling pretty blah earlier in the week. Last night, in fact, she told herself she was going to clean the house today no matter what. So, this morning, when she got up, the first thing she did was shovel a batch of snow off the sidewalk, and then she spent the rest of the day cleaning the downstairs. And when I was over there about 4:45 in the afternoon, she still had not taken a shower for the day. She laughed when she told me this, saying, "I thought I'd take it when I was done cleaning, but then I sat down to rest and watched the Olympics and then I thought, 'Shoot, it's 3:00, why bother now?' " Ah, Mama Polt, a sense of non-stop smiling is she.
Tomorrow night, after work, I'm going on a dinner date with a cute little female co-worker. Although it's not really a date, as she has a boyfriend who could easily kick my ass. He's an EMT or a firefighter, I forget which, but he's gonna be workined 36 hours straight through and she wants to get out and away from the empty house. And who better to get out away with and have a wonderful boyfriendless evening with but ME?
I'm not really sure why, but I'm really kinda jonesed about seeing this movie.

Probably because it deals with Greek mythology. I've always loved Greek mythology, ever since I was in middle school when we first studied it. I don't know that I'll go see it in a theater or wait for Netflix, but it does interest me.
As I type this I'm watching a Matrix movie on Bravo. I said it when I saw first saw it, and nothing changed my mind since: the freeway scene from the second Matrix film is the most exciting, action packed scene I have EVER seen in ANY movie.

It's just too bad so much of the rest of the movie was vapid, nonsensical, claptrap.
And now, onto the obligatory Bits-N-Pieces eye candy.



Anonymous said...

You want to see that movie for one and one reason only and it's the same reason every woman and gay man in the world wants to see it - SEAN BEAN!!

I mean, who wouldn't want to have sex with him????

Polt said...

Stratcat: I'm honestly not even sure who you're referring to, but if you wanna see the movie, let's go see it next week. I don't think I'll find anyone else interested. :)


that's J-O-S-H said...

Wait till NetFlix. It got panned by so many peepz. Look how MEAN this review is!: "Maybe if you're aged between eight and 12, or exceptionally dim-witted, you may not notice that this is a tenth-rate rip-off of Harry Potter."

Polt said...

Hmm, josherz, maybe that's why I can't find anyone to go see it with me. I don't know, if I DO see it in the theater, I certainly won't have very high expectations, and therefore, I'm less likely to be disappointed. :)