Saturday, February 06, 2010

Middle of this blizzard, you stood and melted all the ice...

I've survived the Snowpocalypse, Part Deux. I'm a bit achey in the back, shoulders, arms and legs due to roughly two hours of shoveling. Yeah, there was THAT much snow! But with my supply of TP, Pepsi and porn, I managed to survive the worst of it without much trouble.

And of course I have photos:

Friday, 1:45 pm

And so it begins. Miss Cleo, God rest her nearly dead soul, sits ready. It's been snowing for almost three hours and there's not yetmuch coverage. That will change.

Friday, 3:00pm

I took the rest of the photos from my front door. The alley has a bit of snow on it, main road still just wet.

Friday, 4:30pm

Not much change. A vehicle did make it up the alley as evidenced by the tracks. Still just mainly wet on main road.

Friday, 6:00pm

Another hour and a half has passed, everything now lightly covered in snow.

Friday, 7:00pm

More accumulation, but not much. The time of the heaviest, quickest snowfalls was yet to come.

Friday, 8:30pm

Everything is covered with snow, only tracks remain on the main road.

Friday, 10:00pm

Over an inch in the alley and on the sidewalks. Main road totally covered in snow.

Friday, 11:00pm

Still accumulating. Wind had picked up by now and was pretty fierce, it's blown snow onto my porch.

Friday, 11:30pm

About two-three inches, even on the main road. I headed off to bed.

Saturday, 8:30am

Well over a foot. Check out the neighbor's wall on the other side of the alley. It's nearly entirely covered with snow.

Saturday, 11:00am

More snow, as seen against neighbor's wall. Also, snow has totally covered my front porch, which is rather large and is totally roof covered. Wind blew it back and covered everything. the steps going down were just one big solid snow dune.

Saturday, 12:30pm

Some brave souls have trapsed up the alley, God only knows to where. Snow has slowed down considerably by this time. Snow is three bricks high on my front porch.

Saturday, 1:00pm

Neighbor up the street used his snowblower to clear out the sidewalks on the entire block, going so far as to clear a path across the alley as well. Also cleared out around his truck that was parked directly in front of my house. God bless him.

Also, this is a better shot of the still snow clogged alley. In addition, it shows the depth of the snow on the far side of where he snow blew it. It was up to my knees, I'm guess 15 - 20 inches.

Saturday, 2;30pm

Previously, I went out and shoveled off my front porch and down the stairs. As the alley was still impassable, I didn't bother to go out back and try to get to Miss Cleo.

Saturday, 4:00pm

While out back helping the neighbors shovel out and clearing a space around Miss Cleo, a friend of theirs came by with a small snow blower. He blew the snow up against my house and back onto the porch somewhat, not that I cared. And then, some random guy in a Bobcat came by and plowed the alley out somewhat. God bless him too. You can see where he piled all the snow in the front of the other side of the alley.

Saturday, 6:00pm

Lady across the alley was shoveling her sidewalk. A truck had come by to shovel out the parking lot across the street. By this time, I was out of the snowy clothes, showered, in jammies and drinking a cup of hot chocolate.

Saturday, 7:00pm

Not much change from thelast photo, but because of the lights, and resulting shadows, gives a better idea of the depth of the snow piles, and the remaining snow. this is when I decided to stop taking photos.

And the best part of all this? Tuesday night into Wednesday, we're supposed to get another storm with anywhere from 4-12 inches possible. Lovely.

POLT Listening to "Time Is Running Out" by Muse

You can't keep blaming yourself. Just blame youself once and move on. - Homer, The Simpsons


Mark My Words said...

It's great that you took all those time-lapse photos of the storm. Makes me nostalgic for snow, since we have been getting nothing up here in Montreal.

Anonymous said...

That neighbor with the snow blower deserves some thanks for doing that. Maybe a nice six pack of artisanal beer.

Anonymous said...

That's pretty cool. It looks like your street got cleared a couple times. I've talked to a couple people who didn't get their street plowed until late today or not at all.

tornwordo said...

I love watching everyone else get clobbered this year. We've had ridiculous snowstorms the past two winters up here. This year, bupkus. Fine by me!