Friday, February 26, 2010

Mister Sandman, bring me a dream...

The lovely, funny, Canadian TAM tagged me in this meme. And since I can't resist either Tam OR peer pressure, here are my answers.

My Dream Guy
1- Hair colour and style

Hair colour (teehee, silly Canadians and their extra 'u's) isn't really that important, but blondes are cute as are redheads...although ironically, neither bald black men nor Asians typically sport either color. BUT, if my guy's gonna have hair, then it's gonna be a hairthing (click HERE to get a better definition). This guy's hair is a good example.

2- Eye colour and facial features
Eye colour (*snicker, snicker*) is not terribly relevant either, just so long as My Drean Guy has eyes, that's all that matters to me. Facial features? Well, he's gotta have thick, moist, kissable lips that I would want to spend hours nibbling on. And that look really sexy when wrapped about various appendages. These lips are what I have in mind.

3- Height and body type
Well, if I'm going after an Asian or a little twinkie boy, I want him to be 5'5 or so, but if I'm going for a big black bald type, I want him to be a smidge taller than me, like 6'4" or so. And for body type, if their Asian/twinkie they need to be the typical swimmers build. But for the black tall guy, I want muscles, not body builder excess, just lots of muscles and definition.

4- Visible age
As opposed to invisible age? Age, for me, also depends. I like a nice, plump, young man, say 18-23 or so. But then again, I've had some pretty outstanding times with guys the same age as me. But for my preferred age, let's go with the first range.

5- Bangability ie: kinky/bi/size
Size? Anything between 5-10 inches. Bi? If he must be, that's fine, as long as he doesn't plan on exploring that side of him too much. Kinky? I'm pretty vanilla, generally, but he shouldn't be a prude. Bangability? Yes please.

6- Human or other
My GOD, what kinda meme is this? There's no equivocation in my answer THIS time: Not being human is a deal-breaker.

7- Paranormal skills
Hmm, okay, well maybe this helps explain, could they be meaning vampires, werewolves and such? Well, I'd like my guy to be able to control the passage of time. That way, our time together could seem like an eternity, but our time apart could seem to be but the blink of an eye.

8- Interests
I'd like his main interest to be me. Well, actually, travel would be important. As would playing games. And being able to sit and talk. And he should have a very limited interest in going out and spending a lot of time in bars and clubs. Oh and he should be an outstanding cook. And he should know how to clean, cause I'm not good at either of those.

9- Habitat
Wow....these are some weird criteria. Preferably a city boy, I guess.

10- Special skills
Well, I think I'll keep my desired special skill requests between him and me...when we're between the bedsheets.

So, I'll steal a photo that Tam herself used and put that here as my dream guy, just cause, physically, he's damn near perfect in my eyes.



Michelle M. said...

It's good to be specific.
And god bless Tam.

hoteltuesday said...

My only requirement is that he do the dishes and wash my clothes and brush my hair and change the channel for me and make me dinner (and those pig feet better not be nasty or I'll force him to eat them!)

Tam said...

I am in love with your hair guy. I am so putting him up as my hottie of the day. Sigh.

I do think bathroom boy is pretty damn near perfect too.

Thanks for playing. :-)