Tuesday, February 09, 2010

An utterance, information, don't mince words (Part 172)...

TMI Tuesdays
These come each week from http://tmituesday.blogspot.com/

1. LUST: Besides your current Significant Other who do you lust for or have you lusted for?Oh, more guys than I could ever mention here...seriously.
2. GLUTTONY: What food brings out your inner glutton? Swedish Fish! I can eat those until I get sick to my stomach, and once I even threw up.
3. GREED: What are you greedy for? Sex. That's kind of a LUST answer, I suppose.
4. SLOTH: What is your plan for an ideal day of sloth? Get outta bed around 9 or 10; piddle around on line until about lunch; shower; get something to eat; watch football at 1, 4, and 8 eating pizza and slurping down Pepsi all day before going to bed. Ah, I love Sundays.
5. WRATH: Describe a time that you let out a can of whoop ass on someone. I've never physically assaulted anyone, never been in a fight. But I have, more times than I can count, verbally unleashed a can of whoop ass on someone. And they always deserved it.
6. ENVY: Who or what do you envy? Why? The filthy rich, because they don't have to work and spend their days engulfed in LUST, GLUTTONY or SLOTH.
7. PRIDE: Have you ever had to swallow your pride? What are you proud of? I'm proud of the fact that, I think, most people like me, that I can get along with and have fun with nearly anyone. And I've swallowed many things in my life, and only rarely has it had to have been my pride.

POLT Listening to "Devil" by Stereophonics

And if I were a garden, I'd bloom in black for you. - Ozzy Osbourne

1 comment:

Tam said...

Oh yeah, I'm with you on number 6. Guess I better get that lottery ticket today.