Sunday, February 14, 2010

Thanks for Toshiba, Best Buy and Discover Card, I have another laptop. Corey hasn't yet checked into the problems with the old one, but he will soon. In the meantime, I have this new one. I'm still trying to get the hang of Windows 7, and I'm pretty sure I've gotten the Norton anti-virus set up correctly. Or more accurately, I PRAY I've got it set up properly.

I've managed to get back to Farmville and do a bit of clean up there. I'm promising myself that I'm going to be a good boy with this particular laptop and lay off the porn sites. And I'm gonna try to NOT download every stinkin' photo of a hot guy I see, not only because of potential viruses, but because of space considerations. I'm not really sure what I'm actually going to DO with a computer if I'm not downloading porn or watching porn vids, but I'm sure I'll find something somwhat productive.

In addition to the thanks above, I want to thank A Local Celebrity, Mr. David ParisPeking for allowing me access to his laptop last night and in help with harvesting my crops, even the whithered one.

So hopefully, I'm back for a while now.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wish I'd known. I can get the employee discount from HP.

I have a Windows 7 upgrade disk, but I'm afraid it'll mess up my computer.