Saturday, February 13, 2010

Well, kids, last night, my laptop went all crazy-bonkers. I don't know what the hell's wrong with it. I spoke to Corey over the phone (his job is dealing with computers) and he said it sounds like I got some malware on it. *SIGH* After work, if he's home, I'm gonna take it over for him to look at and tinker with.

So, until it either gets fixed or I buy a new one (just what I need after buying a house in August and a car just 6 days ago...I guess that's why God invented credit cards, eh?), there won't be any new postings here. And I'll only be able to reach my email and your blogs at work or when I'm at moms. I'm hoping to get this resolved this weekend, one way or the other, so hopefully I can be back in full force early next week. We'll see.

Continue to carry on in my absence. And the last one to leave the Palace each night, please make sure the doors are locked and turn off the light, kay? Thanks.


1 comment:

hoteltuesday said...

My laptop went crazy-bonkers..... Because I poured fruit punch on it. Guess that's different.