Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Cut their hair short, wear shirts and boots (Part 113)...

Wife Beater Wednesday
Due to the second freakin blizzard roaring outside even now, this week's this Wife Beaters Outside Enjoying The Nice Weather.

POLT Listening to "Go Let It Out" by Oasis

As a math atheist I should be excused from this class. - Calvin & Hobbes

1 comment:

Tam said...

OMG, I better not show my daughter that quote you used or she'll be trying to pull it off. She's also trying to convince the school that there should be remedial gym class for kids like her. LOL If it's not something you do on a horse she's not interested.

Mr. Gymnast is cute though. Reminds me of NYC Central park that warm day with Enrico with all the boy showing off in the sun.