Friday, February 26, 2010

justice comes into your life and then you'll know, you'll know...

Today, I successfully returned the Toshiba laptop. The only hitch was, I hadn't read where they had a 15% restocking fee. Which sucks. So I'm out $50. But if I hadn't returned it, I'd have a computer I didn't like and be out $375 or so. So that was acceptable.

Also, while out, I got the new animated film "Justice League: Crisis On Two Earths".

I always LOVED the stories in the comics dealing with alternate earths: Earth 1, Earth 2, Earth 3, Earth X, Earth S, Earth C, and so on and so forth. So I knew the basics already: there's an alternate earth wherein the heroes are evil and the the villains are good. Like Luthor and the Joker were the good guys.

At any rate, I really enjoyed the DVD. It was well done, as are most the DC animated films. But what was fun for me was figuring out who was who on the alternate earth. Like Black Canary, and Elongated Man, and Vibe, and Black Lightning, figuring out the Deathstroke was President of the USA. Some of it was never stated flat out, so a lot of them were like inside jokes.

I'd highly recommend it to anyone who might even be remotely interested. I assure you you will not be disappointed.



john said...

Got it myself today, but probably won't watch it until later in the weekend. Glad to hear it's good.

Polt said...

john, you and I could truly be twins. Or triplets if we include Tam. Or quads if we include Michelle M. too!

At ANY rate, after you watch it, let me know what you thought of it.


Michelle M. said...

You better include me!
I just added this to my Netflix queue.

Tam said...

Ummm. I watched curling tonight. *waaaahhh* Now I'm an only child again and you guys will shun me. LOL We freaking lost on the LAST rock of the LAST end. Arrgghhhh. Oh well, silver's not bad.

Polt said...

Tam: I actually watched that as well. I was shocked how it turned out! Well, not really, cause I had no clue what the HELL was going on. But in the end, I know you guys only got the silver.

Cheryl Bernard, however, I thought was pretty freaking hot. Considering she's a woman and like 43 or so. Loved the hair and her eyes and all.

I'da done her.