Thursday, February 11, 2010

Undress me, will I look like a fool (Part 199 & 200)...

Once more it's time for...

Okay, last week, i had no time and no inspiration for an HNT. So this week I give you two HNT's. I had plenty of time (what with being snowed in 5 of the last 6 days), but still very little imagination.

However, today, on a trip to a local store in the second blizzard, I took these two pics that I'll use for HNT.

Firstly, as I approached the store, there were mounds of snow piled up around the edges of the parking lot so high, some were several feet taller than my six foot one inch height. So I took the following photo:

Unfortunately, I didn't really get the mound of snow in it. But if you look to the left of me, you can see the beginning of the mound of snow. It extends behind my huge noggin...sorry it's blocked. Oh, and yeah, you can see just how happy I am with the second more than a foot of snow in a week.

And then on the way home, I snapped this one:

I'm wearing boots on my feet. Those boots are entirely covered in snow, as well as several inches of my pants leg.

I'm sorry this is all I got for my 200th HNT post. Hopefully I'll have a more celebratory photo for the 300th HNT post.

POLT Listening to "Hurt" by Nine Inch Nails

Computers are more mysterious than pussies. All I know is, with both, when you push this button everything goes carzy! - Buddy Cole, The Kids In The Hall


Osbasso said...

I am SO glad we've missed out on this nastiness!

Congrats on #200! Very few of us who can mark that distinction!

And thanks for the VDay wishes, in spite of your own dislike!

Anonymous said...

All we got was about 2" with the bottom inch being that compressed slushie I've talked about. Really a bitch to clean off the walks but I did and I salted the ever loving crap out of them. The salt is good to 5F and the lowest it's going to go tonight is 26F so it'll all be gone tomorrow.

hoteltuesday said...

I only have Converses (in various covers) so this nasty show business keeps making my shoes/socks/feet wet! UGH.