Saturday, February 27, 2010

A magical mystery tour...

Earlier this year, perhaps even during New Years, A Local Celebrity, Mr. David ParisPeking told me that we'd have to do another White Castle Trip. I told him no.

Last Saturday, when I realized I'd have this Friday through Monday off, I called him to see if he wanted to do something, not necessarily White Castle, but something else, like this Sunday. He said sure, but to call him.

Last night, I called him. After finding out that I wasn't still sick, he asked if we were still gonna do something. I said sure, but what.

Him: Do you trust me?
Me: No, not in the slightest.
Him: Do you trust me?
Me: No, absolutely not. What have you got in mind.

Him: I'll be at your house Sunday at 9:00am.
Me: How long are we gonna be gone?
Him: I have to be at work on Monday morning, so we have to be home before then.
Me: I've got plans Sunday evening, so we have to back before that!
Him: Let me do some research and call you back. phone call later....
Him: You be at my place at 10:00am that makes more sense since we're going south. I'll drive, we'll be back by two, if you need to be, its 45 miles away.
Me: Where are we going?
Him: You'll be surprised.
Me: I'm not going to any Hooters.

Him: It's not a Hooters, and you'll have fun, my friend. Trust me.

....WHAT am I getting myself into?


1 comment:

hoteltuesday said...

Go on Google Maps and find out whats 45 miles away in each direction. Pick the most interesting spot and assume you're going there!