Thursday, February 18, 2010

Give it away now....

Doing better today, much better actually. Smiled quite a bit during the day, didn't seem as down. Was as if the clouds that had been following me were broken open by sunlight, beams of which hit me all day. Or something equally pathetically poetic.

At any rate, on the way to work today, the song, "Give It Away" by the Red Hot Chili Peppers came on the radio.

I was quite surprised to find that I could still sing it, every stinking word, as it played. This particular CD, BloodSugarSexMagic, had nearly constant play on my stereo and in my car in...I think it was 1991 or 1992. I remember the time because me co-worker, and best friend at the time, Jeff took a three hour road trip to pick up our friend and former co-worker, Heather, from college and bring her back to the area. And we listened and sang along to this CD almost the whole way up.

Plus, I loved this video. I always thought Anthony Kiedis (who's almost 50! How much does THAT freak you old) was hot, and I got no problem watching weirdly attired hot shirtless guys run around in the desert. Plus, there a quick scene at 2:10 where Anthony and Flea quickly kiss. I taped this video off of MTV once for the express purpose of trying to pause it just on the kiss to actually see them do it (this was before Will & Grace or Ellen, remember. Hell, not even Elton was officially out yet)! And VCR tapes NEVER pause perfectly, so I sat there going backwards and forwards repeatedly trying to zero in on that exact kiss. I don't know how long over how many days I tried that. Course, here on YouTube, it took me all of two tries (once to find it, rewind, then to catch it). Ah, technology.

Anyways, as I started off with, I surprised myself by actually remembering all the words to a song I used to sing 20 years ago and haven't listened too much at all in the last ten years. And yet I couldn't tell you what I had for lunch on Monday.

The memory's a funny thing.



Anonymous said...

Yeah, VCR's. Most were only 2 head. I had a nice JVC 4 head unit that paused on the spot perfectly. Good VCR for porn you know.

But you're right, technology has changed all that.

And yes, Anthony Keidis was hot back then. And Flea had a sexuality about him that meant I just wanted to fuck him just that once.

Michelle M. said...

Oh my gosh, I loved this video! I also liked the videos for "Love Will Never Do Without You" (featuring good looking shirtless guy) and "The Boys of Summer". And they all happen to be black and white. Huh.

Anonymous said...

This is the 3rd blog I've come across with a RHCP video, weird.