Thursday, February 18, 2010

Curling? Seriously?

How in Phelps' name is this a real sport? C'mon, we all know, just like cricket, curling isn't a real sport.

Sometime in past, in Northern Canada or Norway, or somewhere like that, there was a group of guys sitting around a frozen lake getting frostbite on their curling sticks and balls, and were bored out of their minds. So one guys found this flat rock and said, "He, watch me slide this across the ice!" And after he did a few times, two of the other, who had just finished sweeping out the igloo but yet were still bored, said, "Hey, why don't we use these brooms and sweep the ice away in front of the rock!"

And thusly was born the...*snicker* of curling.

And people wonder why I have no interest in the Winter Olympics.



FDot said...

Obviously, otherwise you'd know Curling was invented in Scotland.

Tam said...

*pout* I watch curling. :-( Can play it too.

hoteltuesday said...

I watched this last night!! I was so enthralled that I was on the edge of my seat, SCREAMING and almost fainting.
Oh wait, no. I just fell asleep.