*SPOILERS ahead*
This was a pure Hollywood movie, with all the expected cliches and not a single original thought or idea included. Stupid kids; Corporations/military is evil; Those in power wont listen to the little guy who knows; *SIGH*
One character douses himself in gas so a dino wont smell him, he never changes his clothes, yet the very next scene he's dry and no one mentions the gasoline smell (which honestly, I think would have been a hilarious running joke. Everytime he got around someone new, have them comment on the gas smell...but whatever). Characters jump into a lake, crawl out soaking wet, next scene are dry and their hair perfectly styled. Some underage character know how to hot wire a 20 year old jeep, one which has spent those 20 years rotting away, and yet somehow still has all working parts and gas in the tank. Flying dinos swooping over crowds picking people off, but a character can climb a top a table and yell for someone else, and not have any thing attempt to grab her. Heroine and run through the mud, jungle, undergrowth, etc, all while wearing heels...and not breaking a heel even once.Characters make stupid, illogical decisions throughout the movie, which could possibly be explained away with the kids, but NOT the adults! Dino has been raised in the same enclosure all its life, watched and studied by scientists and care takers, yet no one knows dino can camouflage itself, or change it's thermal output. Was there ever ANY doubt the fat guy in a hard hat was gonna die? Or the evil government guy? How about the park's owner, too concerned about the $26 million dollars they invested in the 'assest' to give security lethal means to contain the 'assest'?
There were a FEW highlights. Firstly, the two big dinosaur fight scenes were amazing. The special effects simply unbelievable. Those two, in my opinion, are worth the price of the ticket alone (especially since we went during a half price matinee). Can't praise those enough.
Number two: how refreshing it was to see the heroine did not just scream and hide behind the hero. I mean, she actually knocked a dino off the hero and shot it. And she came up with idea of using the T-Rex and getting him there. She had brains and bravery and took actions! That was definitely NON-Hollywood. And number three: When I saw the black guy assistant, I figured right then and there he was dino meat (which was a shame cause he was pretty hot), cause you know the black guy ALWAYS dies, and early on, in Hollywood movies. Only this time, he didn't. So there's another break with 'tradition'.
But other than those two, pretty much the same thing in nearly every other Hollywood movie. Thus, why I give it a meh. But as I said at the outset, it was entertaining. I was entertained even though I sighed and rolled my eyes through most of it. I can't recommend it, but if you're interested in seeing it, I'd say go. It's nothing earth-shattering or 'ah'-inducing, but I'm sure you'll have fun.
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