Thursday, June 25, 2015

The current of the river, brings voices....

Some thoughts on current events:

The 'gracious' Bristol Palin, she who had a child out of wedlock and then proceeded to go on a speaking tour making a nice chunk of change, talking about abstinence only sex education programs, well, she's in the news.

She's knocked up again.  To a different guy than the father of her first son.  And still unmarried.

After having this happen twice, she's clearly as qualified to speak about abstinence only programs as her 'illustrious' mother is about following things through to the end (ya know, like remaining governor for the entire four year term instead of a quitting after two years), or about keeping a job on a 'new channel' (Faux News canned her this week), or even about how to win an election for Vice President Of The United States.

And just as clearly, blatant hypocrisy runs through their family genes just like being a redneck does.
In a similar vein, former Florida governor and current Presidential candidate Jeb Bush's younger son,  John Ellis Bush was arrested for public intoxication and resisting arrest back in 2005.  And let's not forget current US Senator from Kentucky and current Presidential candidate Rand Paul's son was cited (but strangely not arrested...could his father's position have anything to do with it......) for DUI in April.  And it's NOT the first time he's had an unfortunate meeting of alcohol and legal authorities.

I just find it interesting that these Republicans who like to preach to us about who important the family is, are having troubles with their children.

Also, I happen to believe that a candidate's family should be off limits, and none of this stuff should matter when it comes to the candidates themselves.  However, imagine for a moment if either of the Obama girls, or Chelsea Clinton, had gotten pregnant out of wedlock or cited (or arrested) for alcohol and driving.  Would the Republican's claim in those cases it was a 'private family matter'?

While you mull that over, remember that Presidential candidate Mike Huckabee called into question the Obamas' parenting skills because they allow their daughters to listen to the 'mental poison' that is the music of Beyonce.

I would suppose it would be better if the Obama girls molested little girls, because then Huckabee could stand for and defend them, as he's done for Josh Duggar.
Enough about the kids of politicians.

I have never been offendedpersonally by the Confederate flag (it takes a LOT to offend me), although the Confederate flag obviously IS offensive.  And I'm frankly surprised to see all the people, including some friends on Facebook, defending it.  They seem all riled up because 'it's not about bigotry and racism'.

Well actually it IS about exactly that, but let's for the sake of argument, take the bigotry and racism aspect out of the picture.  It's still offensive because it's a sign of what the Confederacy was: an insurrection, a rebellion, and frankly, treason.  It boggles my mind that all these "America: love or leave it" and "'Merica, hell ya!" types, have no problem supporting a treasonous idea like the Confederacy and the flag that symbolizes it.

And I'm hearing, "Damn Obama and the bureaucrats in Washington for making everyone pull the Confederate flag down" and I just shake my head.  It's the GOVERNORS of SOUTHERN states who are doing this, not the fed.  Clearly, if they believe in 'states' rights' the have to believe the state has the right to remove the flag if it wants to.  And Amazon, Wal-Mart, and eBay and all the other companies pulling the Confederate flags off their sites si not, as I've heard "censorship"!  It's Capitalism at it's purest.  If a business doesn't want to sell a certain items, then they have ever right to not sell it, OR, Mr. Redneck, would want the big evil, scary GOVERNMENT to come in and MAKE them sell it?

And finally, I'm hearing a lot of "It honors and celebrates Southern Heritage, and I'm proud of my heritage, so I want to fly it!"

Firstly, no one ANYWHERE is saying an individual can't fly a flag, it's just the states taking off state property and companies not selling it.  But also, I'm very proud of my German heritage, and I wish to honor and celebrate it, so I'll fly a swastica over my house, and wear it on my t-shirt and belt buckle and have several bumper stickers all over my car with it.  SURELY, Mr. Redneck, you'd not find any problem with that, would you?
So I was wrong.  I predicted a 5-4 decision on the Obamacare case, and I didn't know which way it would go.  We all know by now it was actually 6-3 and went FOR Obamacare.  I was surprised.

It's makes me optimistic for the same sex marriage case, which they'll announce tomorrow.  And why do I think they'll announce it tomorrow?  Tomorrow is June 26th.  Which is the same date back in 2003 that they announced the Lawrence vs Texas case, wherein the Supremes ruled any law, federal or state, that made homosexual sex in and of itself illegal, was unConstitutional.  And plus ten years later, on June 26th 2013, the Supremes announced the Windsor case, which made it unConstitutional for the Federal government to outlaw same sex marriage.

So if they're going to announce a decision making it unConstitutional for ANY one, Federal, State, Local government, to outlaw same sex marriage, why NOT do it on June 26th?  Also, this is the last date the Court is in session before the anniversary of the Stonewall Riots and the beginning of the gay rights movement, on the 28th.

I have a good feeling about this decision and tomorrow morning, I shall be watching teh Interwebs VERY closely about 10AM.


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