Saturday, January 27, 2007

As tha polls close like a casket...

Found this online, on

Jan. 27, 2007 - President George W. Bush concluded his annual State of the Union address this week with the words “the State of our Union is strong … our cause in the world is right … and tonight that cause goes on.” Maybe so, but the state of the Bush administration is at its worst yet, according to the latest NEWSWEEK poll. The president’s approval ratings are at their lowest point in the poll’s history—30 percent—and more than half the country (58 percent) say they wish the Bush presidency were simply over, a sentiment that is almost unanimous among Democrats (86 percent), and is shared by a clear majority (59 percent) of independents and even one in five (21 percent) Republicans. Half (49 percent) of all registered voters would rather see a Democrat elected president in 2008, compared to just 28 percent who’d prefer the GOP to remain in the White House.

So, let me see if I understand this...Bushie goes on national TV to promote his 'plan' in Iraq, the 'surge', and tries to rally public support for it. And after doing so his poll numbers fall to the lowest level they've ever been? hmm, that's kinda like back before November's election, when he made appearances with the senators running in Montana, Missouri and Virginia, and afterwards, they were lower in the polls than before Bushie's appearance there. And all three ultimately lost.

geez, Bushie might be the best thing to happen for the Democratic candidate for president in the entire campaign of 2008!


'Genius' is not the word that I would use for Bush. - Tom Brokaw

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Its too bad that we can't get much more than a little over half of all the registered voters to actually vote in the elections.

Even if the over half of the registered voters who DID vote, and voted for Bushwack, NOW don't approve it hardly matters given that he's not up for reelection.

Even if his approval rating were at only 5% it wouldn't matter since he's not up for reelection and is apparently unimpeachable. Amongst other things even if we could get Bushwack and Dick out of office the country would be too scared to deal with a President Pelosi.

I would find it humorous if congress and the senate had the balls to render the executive office inert, but they won't. That's what's depressing....they could, but they won't.

...and soon we are going to have to be listening to Osama Obama and Mrs Billy Clinton slinging mud at each other....I can hardly wait. Just where is Hubert Humphrey when you need him???

Canada is looking better all the time.

Fairy Godfather.