Saturday, January 27, 2007

Classmates made her up her own song...

I woke up this morning with a scratchy throat and a head full of snot. Always a pleasant way to begin the day. Ugh. Then, after I left the house, I realzied I had left my office keys inside, so I had to go back and get them. Again, a great start to the day. Work itself, surprisingly, wasn't all that bad.

After work, I ran by Borders to see if they had a magazine I wanted. They did not. So then i looked around the store for a bit. As I walked down an aisle, this kid came towards me, really hot guy, late teens, one of those peach fuzz goatees, nice biceps, tight t-shirt, obviously he worked out and kept himself fit. I noticed out of the corner of my eye, someone was walking behind him.

He walked past me, and I did my best not to stare. I wasn't really paying attention to anything when I heard someone say, "Well hello, classmate!" the person following behind him was a girl I had gone to school with. At the time, I couldn't think of her name. It's since come to me that her name is Sheila. It's kinda funny she'd say anything, cause Sheila and I weren't really friends in school. I mean, we weren't enemies or anything, we just kinda ran in different circles, hung with different crowds. I might have had a class or two with her, but it's not like we were really friends or anything.

She said she saw me and knew right away who I was cause I haven't changed since high school! I told her thanks, but rubbed my gut and said, "Except for the 80 pounds or so, I guess you're right." She rubbed hers and said, "Yeah, that comes with kids too." I asked how many, and she said, "two. My oldest just turned 18. He's up there." She pointed past me, and when i turned, yeah, you guessed it, it was the hot buff kid I had just been having all kinds of decadent sex with in my mind.

We said several more words to each other, and then parted. But all the while, I just could not get over the fact that a girl i had gone to school with had a kid who was 18, and graduating this year! I just can NOT believe I'm that old.

Then, I got a bit freaked out because I was daydreaming about a kid that's obviously young enough to be my son. And then I freaked out a bit more by realizing Freddie's only a year older than him. !!!!!

So I went out to my car, turned on the radio and lsot myself in an R.E.M. song while I drove out of the parking lot and left that all behind me.


Anything that shows your nipples is not good. - Carson, Queer Eye For The Straight Guy

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