Tuesday, January 23, 2007

the sky resembles a backlit canopy...

Some say dogs grow to look like thier owners, some say the owners grow to look like thier dogs. These pics could be proof.

Wasn't it WC Fields who said only a fool works with kids or animals?

Notice, not a feline in sight. Damn spawns of Satan would have us all looking thier hairy, whiskered, selfcentered, selfish sacks of fleas. (hmmm...ya know, excluding the fleas, that description kinda fits me....Im frightened....)


"The law always applies in Gotham, Penguin." "Please! Even taxes aren't a sure thing anymore. Though I'm reasonably confident of death." - Penguin, Detective Comics #730


Sexy Duet said...

OMG, those pics are just too cute!!!


Anonymous said...

W.C. Fields said, "anyone who hates children and animals can't be all bad."