Friday, January 19, 2007

Is the only kind of justice not nice...

When Smallville first premiered, what six years ago?, I watched it all. Thought it was interesting. And then about season 3 or so, I lost interst. I did manage to catch a few episodes, like when they introduced Bart Allen, the speedster, and Arthur Curry, Aquaman, and stuff like that. But by and large, I've been ignoring Smallville.

Phoenix, however, is still watching it. And he sent me an email, God bless him, to notify me that the 'Justice League' episode was coming up this week. SO I wanted to make sure I saw that one too. And I watched it last night.

It was a bit silly. A bit melodramatic. The acting involving the 'love scene' was forced and there was no chemistry between the couple. The plot was promising, but had holes in it large enough to drive a Mack truck through.


Look at this shot from the show.

And also, here's a promo clip for show:

That's Impulse, Green Arrow, Clark Kent (who was called Boy Scout), Aquaman and Cyborg. Hott DAY-UM!!!! The costumes are outstanding! But not a ONE of them is not top of the line sexy! I mean, Aquaman was without his shirt at least once, with a very impressive, wet chest showing; Green Arrow has arms and biceps for DAYS!, Cyborg = cute, young, shaved head black guy...need I say more?, and even Impulse was kinda hot, in a skater boy type of way. And none of this includes the blue eyed, tall, muscled, tussled-hairedness that IS Tom Welling!

Unfortunately, the series is called Smallville, not Justice League, so the group left at the end of the episode...dammit. I tell ya, if they put out a series with these guys in it, I'd watch it, each and every week! Phew....


The older you get the higher your underwear gets. - Shorties


Doug said...

Hmm...I haven't kept up with Smallville at all. I might have caught the whole first season, but other than that it's been hit-and-miss.

I love how they set the stage for future events. Who knows, maybe they will have a whole separate show for Justice League.

Anonymous said...

The love scene should have been between Boy Scout and Aquaman. Hot!!!

Anonymous said...

Smallville does have the cute boys. I started watching because of Tom Welling...... just so hot!


Anonymous said...

Glad you caught the episode. Yes, I still manage to watch it even with it being such a soap opera lately. Wish they'd get rid of that Lana chick and I would probably appreciate it more. Anyway, that scene with all of them leaving the building as it exploded was just amazing. Talk to you later.