Tuesday, January 02, 2007

So she makes her new years...

Yes, kiddies, Uncle Polt did indeed survive New Years. it was a typcial one for me. I slept in (yay!) and then got up and online for a bit. Then I watch football, watched Dallas lose to Detroit (booo). I knew they were still in the playoffs, but as a wildcard....horrible.

Then, in the evening, I went to my friends house: David and Susan Parispeking.

When i got there, they had just put thier newest daughter to bed, so I didn't really get to see her. But Abby, the 2 year old, was still up, walking around, playing with her toys and talking up a storm...although I couldn't really understand what she was saying (kinda like her daddy...he talks all the time and doesn't say much. But I digress...) Ghostie showed up later in the eveing, but only stayed for about 45 minutes or so. He had to get home to get to bed, something about having to be at work at 5:00 the next morning. Whatever, he's still a loser. Such a loser that I'm not even gonna put his icon photo up in this post. Loser.

Also, early in the evening, Susan found out that the other friends that she thought were coming weren't going to make it either. So it ended up the Parispekings and me. Just like last year. Which is cool, cause I have no life and nothing else planned at all.

This is of course Mr. David Parispeking, with his "Snakes On A Plane" tee shirt.

The lovely Mrs. David Parispeking, with her rainbow socks.

And the little, adorable Abby Parispeking.

They also have a little Jack Russell terrier named Missy. I love dogs, they normally love me as well, and Missy was no exception. She used my lap to sleep on through a good portion of the night.

Before long, they put Abby to bed. And then the fun could begin. We got to watch Clerks II, which we couldn't do with the baby up. Also, Mr. David Parispeking got to drink.

And drink.

And drink some more.

And then finally pass out a bit before going to bed at about 1140, thus missing the New Years entirely.

But Susan and I stayed up and talked and watched it. We even had a bit of champagne at midnight.

On the way home, I got a call from my friend Manny, and I also got what's become an annual tradition: a drunken phone call from Johnnie. I talked to him a bit, then to this chick Jen and then to her hott boyfriend, who's name I forget, but I think is James. I've talked to these same people for the last three New Years....oh well, maybe I'll get to meet them someday.

Freddie and I spoke earlier in the evening, but not at midnight. I canNOT wait for the time when i have Freddie with me on New Years and we can kiss at midnight! One year soon, one hopes.

Anyway, I was home by 1230 and asleep soon after. Yeah, I really know how to celebrate, eh? I'm too old for the bars and parties to all hours. Spending it quitely with friends is the best way for me to do it.


The best way to get over a man is to get under another one. - Joe Phillips

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mr. Parispeking claims he is never going to drink again!