Monday, January 08, 2007

A Request....

Tomorrow, January 9th, is my cute lil boyfriend Freddie's birthday. I wonder if, ever visitor to the Palace who reads this, could leave a comment to him with a birthday greeting. If you can help me with this, please do. And even if you don't read this until the 10th or later, leave one then too. I wanna see how many different greetings I can get for him. I hate begging like this, but as he knows, I'm not above begging.

And for added incentive, I'll even post a photo of the lil cutie for you all to see...

Thanks, gang.


You weren't grounded for lying. They grounded you for lying badly! - Drake, Drake & Josh


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Freddie!!! Tell Polt anything worth having is worth begging for. hehehe!

m_o_o_nspells said...

Happiest of birthdays, Freddie! Hopefully, Poltie will ensure that the spanking portion of your b-day is taken care of for us! ;o)
Have a great day!

Craig said...

Dear Freddie,

Hi. How are you? You would not believe the excitement that I felt upon hearing that it was your birthday. Seriously, it was maddening. Not like Dr. Frankenstein mad scientist mad, but more like Darth Vader cutting off your hand because you refuse to join the dark side mad. But instead of a lightsaber, you're holding a birthday balloon, and instead of your hand getting cut off, he's cutting a slice of birthday cake for you. A nice big chocolate birthday cake. Or vanilla. Not carrot though. Seriously. Who the hell wants carrot cake? However, carrot cake usually does have good frosting though. Why can't they put that kind of frosting on a normal cake like chocolate? I wonder what kind of frosting it is. Maybe cream cheese? I love cream cheese. Which, if it is cream cheese, totally negates the healthiness of having carrot cake. On second thought, is carrot cake even healthy for you? I doubt it.

But I digress. The reason I'm writing is to wish you a happy birthday. I hope you get everything you wanted. Unless you wanted carrot cake. Then I regret to inform you that I am wishing against you. It's nothing personal. But if in fact you are wishing for a carrot cake, I regret to inform you that you will not be receiving one today because my wishes totally outweigh yours.

Better luck next year.

Love always,

PS- Happy Birthday!

Ag said...

Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday dear Freddie
Happy Birthday to you

Stephanie AKA Ag

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Freddie. Another year gone, but remember some things get better with age.

Anonymous said...

Ba da da da dahhh

They say it's your birthday

Ba da da da daahhhh

It's my birthday too... no, it's not *really* my birthday, but I think it's totally cool that it's YOUR birthday!!

I hope it is filled with the most wonderful of things including our sweet Uncle Polt...


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Freddie!
Turning 18 is such a fun time....
Hopefully you won't be too old for Uncle Poultry for several more years.


Fairy Godfather

Doug said...

Happy Birthday Freddie! If you're ever in southwest Florida, drop on by and I'll give you your birthday spankings! ;)

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Freddie.

I hope that you have a fun filled birthday and a year full of happy surprises. (Which shouldn't be to hard with Polt in the picture.)


Anonymous said...

I hope you have a great birthday Freddie.

Anonymous said...

Hey Freddie, have a great birthday buddy. You are a cutie ...... for sure.
