Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Duck down in car seats, heat's mandatory...

Today, not yesterday, is the day I should have called in sick to work. UGH.

Firstly, work itself was just nice and hectic. The clients were whining about this, that and the other; my co-workers were bitching about this, that and the other; and I frankly, didn't give a damn about this or that OR the other. Then I find out some potentially disturbing news cause, well, somethings just are not meant to be posted to blogs. And then I find out that a good friend and trusted co-worker of mine has breast cancer. Her mamogram last year was perfect, so they caught it real soon. She goes in next week for a lump-echtomy and they're gonna take some lymph nodes too, just to be sure, and then start her on chemo. But she was upbeat and positive about it all, saying they found it early.

So on the way home, I stop to get some groceries. I get back into the car, and as I sit down, I hear and feel this loud 'POP' noise and suddenly, I leaning back and to the right. My seat broke. The right side of it was leaning backwards. "Great." I thought. the mechanic I take it to is on the way home, so I thought I'd just drive it there. So off I go.

I get no more than 5 miles further, and I'm driving down the road and suddenly, there's another less loud pop, and the next thing I know, my back is bare to the world! the whole damn seat broke and was laying flat down. the headrest was resting on the back seat. And there I was holding myself up with nothing more than my fingers wrapped around the steering wheel.

Go ahead, laugh. I'll wait. Don't forget to wipe your tears before continuing.

Okay, now that we're back, I hung on for a few minutes until i came to a bank parking lot, and I pulled in there. I stopped got out and looked at it. I thought perhaps I could do something. Pffft, fool that I am. What do i know of car seats, other than how to sit ON them. But still, I pulled the seat up and it flopped right back to the horizontal position. I fooled with the buttons and levers and stuff...for all the good that did me. Well, I had to get it to the mechanic. And how else was I gonna get it there but to drive it?

So there I went, for about 25 minutes of driving, riding along with nothing at my back. And i tell ya what, it ain't as easy as it sounds! My fingers hurt now from how tightly I was holding the wheel. I managed to get it to the mechanic and he looked at it. he said the problem was the lever broke off the the...something or other. (hey, it was mechanic-talk...might as well have been Swahili) He said he could fix it, but he'd have to take the seat out, get through the cushions and weld it back on then. he said he could fix it tomorrow. Even thought it doesn't sound like much time-wise, I'm relatively certain it will be a lot, money-wise. Oh well, there goes the tax refund I'm gonna get..once I send it in.

At least all my bad news happened on one day instead of being spread out over the week. At least now I can deal with all that and get on with my life. *SIGH*


We're not in the middle of nowhere, but we can see it from here. - Louise, Thelma & Louise

1 comment:

Doug said...

I didn't laugh, actually. Although you must admit it would do well in a slapstick comedy.

Hopefully it will be cheap. Offer the mechanic something "in trade." ;)