Wednesday, April 25, 2007

And isn't it ironic, don't you think...

Oh Irony, you are a cruel and fickle mistress. I have watched, with much enjoyment, while you had your way with others, but the feel of your gentle caress is something else altogether. Allow me to illustrate.

Case 1: I'm planning on visiting Freddie this weekend at college.
Part a) This will be the first time I get to meet his friends and see his school.
Part b) It will also be the last time until the fall I can do so.
Part c) I managed to rearrange my work schedule so I have off Friday thru Sunday.
Part d) I got a good rate on a hotel room, but had to pay in advance, and there's no refunds under any circumstances.
Irony: I have a cold. It's now moved from my head through my throat and is settling in my chest. I'm moving all kinds of phlegm around, and we all know how much fun THAT is.

Case 2: It's been warm this week. Each day when I come out to my car, it's like an oven inside. Finally, today, I remembered to leave my windows cracked a bit, so the heat could escape.
Irony: It rained this afternoon, after having been clear all week.

Case 3: I was doing this project for one of our clients this week, it actually involved a lot of stuff I needed to gather together, even from two other departments. I've been working on it since Friday of last week, sheparding everything through all hoops we need to go through and over all the hurdles we need to cross. Late this morning, I finally get it all together and ready for presentation, something that i wouldn't normally have done, But i did anyway.
Irony: The client has moved on and is no longer intersested in this proposal. Had I just done it with rough draft information last week, he probably would have taken it, but by getting everything in order, I lost him.



After 12 years of therapy, my psychiatrist said somethign that brought tears to my eyes. He said, "No hablo ingles." - Ronnie Shakes

1 comment:

BirdMadGirl said...

Man, sounds like you're dealing with the kind of "luck" I've been dealing with lately. {{hugs}}