Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Too much information for my head (Part 38)...

These come from http://tmituesday.blogspot.com/

1. My biggest sexual turnoff is __________? Having a vagina.
2. Do you prefer natural tastes or flavored lubes? Natural tastes.
3. How much money would it take to convince you to get on stage naked? Geez....if there's no one there I know, and no recording devices present, probably a couple hundred or so. Otherwise, I don't think you could get me up there.

4. Have you ever been to an AA meeting or similar support group meeting? I went to an AA meeting once, about 15 years ago. The guy I was seeing was in AA and he wanted me to go with him. I did, feeling totally uncomfortable throughout. Since I'm not an alcoholic, I felt like an intruder when all these people were baring thier souls. Afterwards, a group of like 20 of us went to a Chinese restaurant, that was fun.
5. Do you wear socks to bed? Is that okay or totally unsexy? I have to, my feet are ALWAYS cold. I don't it matters sexually, though. BTW, I read online a few weeks ago that in a study, more people orgasmed with socks on than with bare feet. Take it for what it's worth, but I would have liked to have been monitoring THAT research!
Bonus (as in optional): Ever been arrested? Turned someone in/had someone arrested? Nope, never arrested, nor turned someone in. I did get a "drinking alcohol under 21" charge 3 months before my 21st birthday but that just involved a fine.

POLT Oil:63.20 (-.44); Gas:2.83 (+.01)

You love someone, your good sense goes out the window. - Harry, Harry & Max


BirdMadGirl said...

Love your responses :) And in regard to the socks theory... I need to make a mental note of that one.

Happy TMI :)

LadyXandria said...

*sigh* @ #1... that's so unfair LOL. Happy TMI!

exile said...

well of course more people orgasamed with socks on while in bed, but they don't mention where they're wearing these socks

(think Red Hot Chili Peppers)