Friday, April 06, 2007

Where we used to laugh, there's a shouting match...

This is AWEsome. If you watch real closely, you can see the exact moment when Billo loses it and goes all apeshit. Watch for the spittle from Billo and that little throbbing vein in his forehead.

"You want anarchy! YOU WANT ANARCHY!" "I want the law enforced and you DON'T!" "I'll give you last word." and then he keeps talking. Bwahahahahahaah!

The best part is, Geraldo is right, it's NOT about immigration, it could have been a Jew or a Pole or anyone. And why make an issue out of this one drunk driving accident and not the other multi-hundreds of ones in VA? because Billo wants to degradate the situation by making political points.

Who knew Geraldo had it in him? We all knew Billo did in fact NOT have it in him, and this proves.


Gary, you can't blame yourself for what the gorillas did. - Lisa, Team America


Truthspew said...

O'Reilly is a real horses ass. I loved watching him go apoplectic on Rivera because it demonstrated what a whack job O'Reilly is.

Remember his interview with Jeremy Glick? Glick is the son of one of the men killed in the destruction of the World Trade center towers.

And Glick is NOT supportive of the war in Iraq. O'Reilly actually threatened the guy off the air.

Anonymous said...

O'Reilly is a jerk, always interrupting and spewing forth his hate speech. I can't watch the bimbo.