Friday, April 20, 2007

You're all I'm thinking of today...

I was nominated for the following award:

Yeah, surprised me too. Exile, the sweet, and unfortunately straight, guy nominated me. You can read it here. (I would suggest you do, cause there's a little blurb about the Palace there, and a photo that just cracks me the fuck up!) I'm not actually sure what this award is, who started it, or...well, actually I don't really know anything about it. I just know I was nominated. Thanks for the honor, Exile ole buddy.

The "rules" for this thing, such as they are, are as follows:

Here are the rules from the originating site of the award. Should you choose to participate, please make sure you pass this list of rules to the blogs you are tagging.

The participation rules are simple:
1. If, and only if, you get tagged, write a post with links to 5 blogs that make you think (or not, you can play if you weren't tagged and you don't have to play if you were).
2. Link to this post so that people can easily find the exact origin of the meme (somehow, Exile didn't have this listed. now whether he lost it, or whether he never recieved it from his tagger, well, that's lost to the ages).
3. Optional: Proudly display the 'Thinking Blogger Award' with a link to the post that you wrote

That was that! Please, remember to tag blogs with real merits, i.e. relative content, and above all - blogs that really get you thinking! (or touching your self)

(Personally, I'm gonna go for the thinking parts, cause there's no way I could narrow down the touching myself ones to just five).

So let's see, 5 blogs that have merit, and or make me think. Hmm...

1)The "Makes Me Think Canadian" blog nomination goes to Sticky Crows! Funny, intelligent, gay, insightful, sexy spouse, and a cute couple, this blog embodies them all. Tornwordo is probably the only thing that would make me go to Quebec. Not that I have anything against Quebec, but 1) I don't speak French and 2) I prefer Toronto. But I digress. His is one blog I check every single day, for he posts every morning, and it's a great way to start the day.

2) The "Best Political Blog" nomination goes to Librocrat. Funny, biting, witty commentary on today's events. And how can you go wrong with a "F_CK/YO_ /B_SH" puzzle from Wheel of Fortune, eh? By a vowel indeed.

3) The "Best Use Of Police Photos" blog nomination goes to Famous Like Me. As if the catty comments of Donnie aren't enough, every Monday we get Mugshot Mondays. I LIVE for Mugshot Mondays! Seriously, people click there, and return every Monday. You'll come to love it like I do.

4) The "Puntabulously Puntabulous" blog nomination goes to Puntabulous! You've got Craig with his Battlestar Galactica nerdiness, Optimus Prime action figure, delicious lil (and not oft seen) happy trail, oh, and Natalie Portman, His Wife. You've got Olivia, My Love, with her phases of sadness and happyiness, photos taken in the doctor's office, job at Quiznos, oh, and Parker, her sweet, clueless, aDORable, albeit underage and thusly illegal, sidekick. You've got their point-counterpoint posts. And you've got Uncle Polt laughing himself silly at nearly every post.

5) The "Polt's Hobbies" blog nomination goes to Dude Tube. oh yeah, I tried to stay away from the 'touch yourself' blogs, but you all know I just couldn't. This one is an 18 and up only one kiddies. But it's got my two favorite hobbies: Porn (both photos and movies from XTube ) and comic books!!! yeah, and here I thought I was the only one.

Well, there you have it. Thanks once more, Exile, you old scoundrel, for the nomination, and the photo. :) And please, people, visit these blogs I've nominated, you'll enjoy them.


It's hard to feel courageous in loose fitting drowsy bear jammies. - Calvin, Calvin & Hobbes


exile said...

Our little Polt was nominated on my blog! though i don't see one for me here... hehehe

(if you don't want to find out Polt's dark secrets i recomend not following me back to my page)

tornwordo said...

Aw, that was nice, thank you. I can't find an email link for you, so here are your 5 questions.

1. What is your morning routine? How long between waking up and getting out of the house?

2. How did you discover the wonderful tricks the penis can do? (read squirt)

3. Biggest regret in life?

4. Have you ever taken drugs? If so, what was your best experience?

5. Have you ever witnessed any unexplained phenomena? Explain.

Alternate question: What is your favorite dessert?

Polt said...

Exile: I posted a link to your blog, I called you "Sweet and unfortunately, straight"; "Exiel ole buddy"; "You old scoundrel" and I thanked you several times. All that is more than the ones I nominated got. I thought that would sufficiently show my interest in your blog. I certainly like it when you show your...snake. :)


tornwordo said...

Wait, does this mean I'm tagged and can participate if I want to?

Librocrat said...

As they say, it's an honor just to be nominated.

Craig said...

Yay! Thanks Polt!!! :-)